Jan 03, 2010 18:03
Yahoo! Answers is a very bizarre place, embodying the principle of the internet that everyone, even idiots, have a voice, but it does have its own principles, in a way. If you're racist in your question, or being a troll, odds are your question will be removed, but if it's just a dumb question, it'll still be answered, and both askers and answerers alike cherry pick from time to time. But sometimes, people are genuinely helped by this service, and it is because of this that I put my own personal view on "the priority of victories"...
It goes a little like this: there are, for answerers, 3 types of getting best answer (4, actually, but the 4th I'm lumping in with the second, priority wise), and, from least sense of accomplishment to most, here's my view on what they are:
1) Single vote win, because nobody else voted, and you voted for your own: Nobody can even pretend this doesn't happen, or that nobody's guilty of this, even with measures designed to stop this, such as not naming who made which answer. But it holds the least sense of accomplishment, because it really isn't a victory of any sort for the answerer, whether the result helped a person or not.
2) Multiple vote win, whether you vote for your own answer or not: This is a genuine accomplishment, although less than 3 because you can never be certain whether your vote would truly have made a difference at the time.
3) Chosen By Asker: This is the most accomplished you can get. If the asker chooses, they've already decided yours is the best answer, and when it genuinely helps someone, that's a true accomplishment, something to feel good about.
Now, I'm not going to go into specifics as to why this particular "Chosen By Asker" made me feel good, but I will include her comment, and give the generalities of my advice.
My advice can be put down to one simple thing: So long as you remember a person, they never truly die, and you should celebrate their memory, not mourn their loss. Two hours after I said that, it was chosen as best answer, and her comment was:-
"Thanks. It really made me smile. Thank you so much for what you said. Thank you."
Milady, you are truly welcome, and I'm really glad that you found comfort in my words. Thank you also, and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do. Good luck, milady!