Mar 02, 2008 19:54
That's a feature I didn't notice before, but hey, it's damn useful. Something for me to go "ooh, 7 weeks, huh? 7 weeks, 7 weeks... wow..." and so on... *grins*
Ah, what *hasn't* happened in the past few weeks? Meeting wonderfully odd people, entanglements with the dark forces of Council (hissssss!), my birthday coming up, gratuitous threesomes between my girlfriend, random friends, and so on... well, okay, I was lying about that last bit... No sexin's at the moment, 'cos it's still kinda cold, and we both live in the boonies and all that... Otherwise, we'd be freakin' out the punters at Pwll Gwaelod with our non-clothed shenanigans... *laughs* my little sister Branwen (the better one) is watching me write this write now, and candour is obviously freaking her out. It's cool though, because my sister and I... well, my sister is like me, but slightly cooler... oh, and shorter, but I tend to forget that because she's also *waaaaaay* harder than I am. Doesn't stop me hitting her in the arm or flicking her on the nose, but that's just big-brother privileges...
Oh, and since you asked, Lil' sis, there's no such thing as Lil' sister privileges. You have to be older than *somebody* to have someone to bully. In a friendly way, of course.
Anyways, just letting people know I'm alive, and finally getting the hang of this digital art stuff, although I've also realised I *really* don't have the patience to digitally paint. Not yet, anyways... Maybe a Pink Floyd marathon would mellow me out enough... Then again, it might make me
And with that cheery thought, I bid you adieu!