Week Two Round Up 2012

Oct 14, 2012 19:14

Monday 8th October: Wounds Not Seen for deirdre_aithne
[Hermione/Luna, PG-13] Neither of them break down at first, and then the war is over and there is nothing to hold on for. Both Hermione and Luna struggle with depression in the aftermath of their time as prisoners of the Malfoys, and slowly help each other through it.

Tuesday 9th October: Fire for enchantedteapot
[Ginny/Pansy, NC-17] Pansy doesn't know exactly why someone she doesn't even like affects her so strongly, but that's not the only surprise. When you play with fire...

Wednesday 10th October: Rough Love for gamma_x_orionis
[Bellatrix/Andromeda, NC-17] Andromeda is not as compliant as she used to be.

Thursday 11th October: Sapphiria, or Something in the Blood for The Community
[Narcissa/Cho, NC-17] Deviant secrets are housed in Malfoy Manor, even after the fall of the Dark Lord. Will Cho Chang manage to escape them, or become one of them?

Friday 12th October: A Push Towards Madness for xwetparchmentx
[Narcissa/Rita, R] Madness is practically a birthright in the House of Black and Narcissa is no exception. Voldemort has won the war but still she is not utterly content with her life. Then Lucius becomes the Minister for Magic and a reporter comes to interview Narcissa, discovers too much, and awakens the inner madness.

Saturday 13th October: Carpe Corpus for The Community
[Pansy/Luna, Pansy/Luna/Ginny, NC-17] "There was something I needed your assistance with, actually. Something I found in a book." When she turned with the glass in hand, Granger had twisted around to give her a curious look, and Pansy continued, "Do you know what 'carpe corpus' means, Granger?"

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!weekly round up, year: 2012

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