So most of you know but some don't. At one point Ryn was in a frat. That's right Greek life. I was there. I've tried lots of cool stuff at MSU let me tell ya. I thought I'd reminisce a bit about those days so that a few people can have some ammo to throw at me and some people can just read some good old memories.
So it all starts back my Sophomore year of college. This guy that I worked with in Wonders hall Cafe tells me that there's a new frat starting up on campus and that I should check it out. sounds good to me so I go and interview with these two guys from the national board. I get myself a bid and it's very exciting. The Delts had lost their charter five years ago. Formerly they were like this powerhouse of a frat. They have members in every part of student government and any major student organization.
We're talking about all the stuff we want our frat to be like. I mean this is a ground up type of deal. We even have to write the laws and constitution of our group. I'm thinking (and I think there were many guys) that we were gonna make a very toned down version of "the skulls" at MSU. For a while things looked good. We recruited a first pledge class from guys involved in all the big student organizations just like the detls of old. We were even approached by the Kappa Kappa Gamma's to be their partners in Greek week. (that's a big deal in frat life. Kappas are the pick of the litter. getting them right out of the block was huge!) And we turned them down because we wanted a partner that gave us respect. by this time I'm thinking that we're on the right track. Spitting in the face of convention and carving a new path for frat life at MSU.
Things started to take a turn a few months before our little group managed to get back our official charter from MSU. Volunteers started to decline for things like habitat for humanity. Talk of doing and setting things up for the future seemed to wane. The biggest things going on at any time were parties and outing but only if they involved drinking. Yep unfortunately our frat that had started so promising turned into the very organization that it had worked so hard not to become. I left soon after we got back our charter and regained our huge house on Harrison.
Some times I miss it. I miss the potential of the group and the excitement we had. What scares me a bit is that I see the same thing happening with my friends now. doing new things and meeting new people seems to have tapered off. Drinking and sitting around in someone apartment have become what everyone seems to want to do all the time. I couldn't pull my frat out of the spiral that eventually tore it to almost nothing and I can't think of what to do now. I feel guilty for pulling away from them all. After all they ARE my friends. But things have changed. Maybe i've changed and I expect more but it doesn't feel like it. We did used to go and do things that were new and everything didn't have to be about getting drunk. All I know for sure is that most days I feel lonely. I couldn't pin exactly why but I know I haven't felt this way in years. Some times I feel like pulling a