Ok, First off, he is just under 3... Normally he catapults himself into bed.. Two nights ago he couldn't. Put his front paws up and couldn't make the short jump. He is taller than our bed. Robert had to start lifting him into bed with us.
Lethargic. Ate half a meal than none the next time. I stayed up until vet opened to see if I could give him half of a baby asprin. they said no, bring him in. We couldn't do this because vets don't realize not everybody have a grand in their bank account. Some people don't even have enough money to HAVE a bank account. They said keep him still.
Robert takes him out to do his thing. Now he strains and takes him a few tries to make it up over a six inch curb. He is hurting and there is NOTHING I can do about it!!
He rests curls in a ball next to my body. He isn't himself. Robert still has to lift him into bed.
His leg isn't broken because he would be yelping but he is favouring one leg and the other makes a crackling noise like when your knee pops when Robert and I inspect his body. Mother-in-law sees he is in trouble and if not better by Monday, will hopefully help us with vet.
Anyone seen or heard of this before?! Is there anything else I can do?! I FINALLY got him to eat after making him a meal he couldn't refuse.... But I am very upset. I love this dog so much.. I can't even tell you how much we love him. The center of our world. I'm not crying around him but I am crying inside because when I took my phone outside to ring my mum and text with my brother, tears just started pouring out, so I am obviously very upset and worried.