A Ha-Ha for the Day..

Dec 29, 2013 21:49

There is a flip side to such loyalty...an ugly flip side.

Here are the facts, man...just the facts.

1) My mum rings me yesterday and after we have our usual "Good Morning, what are your plans today, how do you feel's", she says she had a couple errands to run.

2) An hour later, I get BAD and SHITTY news (may or may not post on later, still rather upset). I call my mum. No answer. I think she is still doing errands.

3) I wait for hours and text her what happened. Nothing. I phone her once more about it. Nothing. I try to get her on the horn, this time with a "I'm getting worried" because she was going to call me back after her short errands.

4) All night and morning, no call. Now I am WORRIED. Her tenant is in her home state for the holidays so I can't ring her up and say "hon, can you go see if mum is around, I am worried?" Mum was also watching her tenant's dog for her.

5) 36 hours go by and I get a call from an unknown Tampa number and I am thinking hospital, friend, something..so I answer. It's mum, says she is sorry to have worried me but her phone was 'missing'. "What do you mean missing??" She says she went to the phone store, paid her bill, then went to text me, couldn't find it. Went back in the store, they tried to sell her another phone. NO, she just misplaced hers, and probably there..only other place could be the car. She asked when they saw her get to her car from the window to call her phone so she would hear it if in the car. They claimed to do so multiple times as she listened and scoured the car. NADA. She then says she wanted them to shut off her phone and they said the couldn't but would call someone and they would. Before I continue, let it be KNOWN, they NEVER called her phone, which was in the car after all, they COULD have shut off her service, she discovered, and they FAKED the call to the 'lady to shut off service'. NONE of those things happens. She knows cuz she found it eventually in the car and sees the phone log.

6) So this afternoon, she tells me it's missing, but she is OK, but she had to get a new phone like THAT hour because she had a patient and a different family on the verge of crisis and if they had been trying to reach her.....

7)We hang up, but I start to think and I am PISSED. Either the phone people took it to sell her a bigger better phone, or it was stolen. I didn't think it was in the car because THEY told her that the whole time she was looking in her car they were phoning her number. Her log shows that was all a lie. Don't worry, she is never going there again and been on the phone with their managers.

8) How is this funny?!?: I am ALREADY pissed off about the personal thing and NOW I am fairly certain, based on the facts I knew at the time, that *somebody* took my mother's phone. To cut costs, she canceled her home line that she had for 25 years and office lines. Her cell phone -is- her office, home, and personal line. ALL her patients numbers are in there (although she has back ups in their files, but..) She is a WRECK because she is constantly on call...if someone is mentally sick in the middle of the night or gets/needs hospitalization, she gets up and goes. She NEEDS HER PHONE!!
---THAT'S-- when my "How Dare YOU", "That's MY MUM!!", "Family loyalty at all costs" kicked into overdrive. Especially how good people like us get Sh%t On. And since some of my family removed themselves from my loving circle of care, my protective feelings and sheltering affection for my elder brother and mother have exploded and just... went into over-time....

I begin calling (hoping the thief would answer) and texting...

A)If anybody can see this, this phone belongs to a sick little old lady that needs it badly. Please dial me, her daughter.

Half an Hour Passes.

B) If any employee in the phone store took this, ha ha, you had your fun. When she returns, tell her you found it or call me immediately NOW and I won't have her press charges. BTW, My husband was a manager at one of your branches for YEARS.

Another 30-40 minutes pass...and boy o boy, this has surPASSED just getting on my wick.

C) If this phone has been found or STOLEN, you just took the ONLY ACCESS an SICK, ELDERLY (she is only 66) Lady has. What if this happened to your Mama?? Call me NOW and tell me where you are leaving it in a store's lost & found and we won't prosecute.


E) After a few more "i'm waiting's", "my patience is disappearing" and calls, I text again. "IF MY MOTHER SLIPS AGAIN AND FALLS TONIGHT, DOESN'T HAVE A PHONE TO RING FOR HELP, AND DIES, SHE WILL HAUNT YOU TIL THE DAY YOU DIE. THEN I WILL WHEN I DIE. AND MY CHILDREN..AND THEIR CHILDREN. BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS YOU FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE!! FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! (I'm an atheist but most people aren't, so I tried that tactic...)

Soooo...umm...my mum just called me back... from her own number. It was in the car. Like I said, they lied to her and told her they were calling her phone as she looked for it. She keeps it at a high volume so she doesn't ever miss a call from a patient.

I, of course, thought either nobody or a thief would see those... but she read them, and even though I may have exaggerated her being a little helpless elderly lady, she is a sweet older lady that gives *everything* she has to others and it pissed me off to no end that someone may take something she would have gladly given if they only asked.

All's well that ends well as William says, but she had a goodly and heart-felt laugh at my ire and defense of her when I thought she had 'been done wrong'. She also reinforced that "You are going to be a great mother, sweetheart" and my mind returned to all the battles that stopped just shy of fisticuffs or violence when she was defending my right to be a creative individual. So.. I guess I get it honestly. Heh.

family, mum, text messages, good times, personality, rant

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