Ze Update for Decemburr In Picture Form (with Commentary)

Dec 05, 2013 07:46

And my DEEPEST Apologies to all the Vegans and Vegetarians I made, but when Robert and I got together, I only ate eggs, dairy, and Seafood. He is ALLERGIC to seafood. As in not just rashy, but throat closes up ALLERGIC. He even wears gloves when making me a Birthday treat or when mum visited and he made us Lobster. I have to mouthwash when I eat anything from the sea, and he respects my feelings and brushes after eating mammals. But after a year of eating separate meals or all veggie/soy, I gave up and realized this would be better for us, our budget, relationship, and family if I started eating poultry again. Granted, I can't stand seeing a dead bird this way, thought Ro was proud and I hate the gnawing on animal or bird bones (IE-wings) but our household is a mammal-free zone, no pork, no beef, no lamb, etc. and we plan on raising our kids this way. But a couple times a month, when we are out, he eats beef but is kind enough to keep it out of my face and kitchen. But Eating Beef twice a month instead of twice a day is one of the reasons I am sure that he took off 75 Lbs our first 18 months together. My brother says this pic looks like an Alien. Heh.

I made my Aunt Jamie's Mac and Cheese along with Green Beans and Broccoli (not Green Bean Casserole.. Ro is also Allergic to Mushrooms. Between that and my brother's horrible allergies, I think we have a 50/50 shot of having a kid with bad allergies =( )

This is a Picture of Robert's new fave cake of mine and when I made it for his mother's Birthday in Sept, it became her new fave too...so I make it a few times a month...in fact, there is one chilling in the fridge now. Tres leche Cake with Toasted Coconut. Rich, Delicious, and can be made half fat.

Tradition in my house wasn't to SHOP the day after Thanksgiving... it was to decorate and eat leftovers. We didn't have much to decorate with but I put up our one string of lights on a back window so people walking there dogs have better lighting and get to see some holiday lights.

We decided when I get pregnant that we would tell people with little gifts.. Like a pillow I will embroider for my mum that says 'For every child born, A grandmother is made'. And I saw this one and tore out the page for my brother. Then I realized that if he is still with his girlfriend, and has been like the major father figure in her 8 year old daughter's life since she was in diapers (she even calls me "Auntie Di"), it would REALLY hurt her little feelings and I would NEVER do that to her or any child. So if they are still a unit when I conceive, I am sure I will think of a different gift for 'Uncle Jim'. Just had a long and deep text session with him that ended with him saying "I'm so glad I know you!" Made me a lil weepy =)

I love the look on Boogie's face as Miles reaches for a treat and dances about. Boogie is like "WOW..You are SO TALL!!!!" Lol

I can't find Boogie's stash of catnip...Miles, have you seen it??

I put up the stocking Miles got from his Glam-ma last Xmas.

Miles gets excited to help decorate for not just the Holiday but his 2nd Birthday and 1 year anniversary of being with us, Dec. 1st!!

Boogie is less excited. He said "I've seen 14 of these things come and go and have yet to see Santa Paws!!"

"Maybe this will be the year, Boogie!! Santa Paws always comes when you've been good!! Haven't you always been good?!", Miles asks.
Boogie pled the fifth. Miles seems confused. But still, he prays to Santa Paws.

And of course, I had to put up the little things my mother collected and sent me that her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother made or had....

Though if she knew where I put them, she may take issue.... But Eddie will keep them safe. He pwomizes.

And we close with a Picture of His Royal Highness, Monseigneur Miles Davis E_____, Esquire

miles, boogie, animals, ro, wonderful stuff, family, mum, photos, anniversary, good times, cooking, in-laws, holidays, birthday

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