
Nov 09, 2012 11:56

Always the best from misskelleen =)

A - ACCENT: American/British/Southern Hybrid. "Would you fancy a bit of tea, Y'all?"
Presently I try to have no accent at all, but if I comes. Therefore, I don't drink anymore. LOL

B - BREAST SIZE: What the... SIGH. BEFORE the broken back, 38C and a half (Full C/small D). Since back surgeries and gaining a couple stone, 40DD, ya bastards.

C - CHORE YOU HATE: I like dishes and laundry for some reason. I think anything outside, especially trash is the man's job. I suppose bed-making. Those creases will never be straight enough so why bloody bother!! (Robert usually does it anyway so my back won't start the spasms)

D - DAD'S NAME: Biological- Jim. Emotional? The late David K. So I agree with Miss Kelleen that David is a fantastic Dad name.

E - ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: Eye-liner/Mascara

F - FAVORITE PERFUME: I used to love 'moonlight path' but I change perfumes with every relationship so I haven't worn that in a while. Now I am a Perfume free agent. If I'm given perfume for free, I will wear it. Since I really only need to please Ro, I might pick one he digs over one I like because it's him I wish to smell nice for mostly, aye?

G - GOLD OR SILVER: Silver...or Platinum.

H - HOMETOWN: Tampa, Flori-duh

I - INSOMNIA: Used to be SUCH a HUGE issue that my doctors said "People say or think they are insomniacs all the time and throw the word around too easily, misdiagnosing themselves all the time. You, Dinah, are a TRUE blue INSOMNIAC."
But after a year of so with Robert something weird started to happen. I started to rest well and comfortably but only with him. His side is closest to the door, he cradles/spoons me, his arms are so long at 6'6 and I am so short at 5'3 that his loving arms go completely around and encase me in warmth and can even stroke my face and eyebrows. I also get shoulder rubs. Pain wakes me often, but he either gets me back down or stays up with me. I suppose I feel very, very safe. Like I don't need to wonder if he is watching porn in the next room or chatting up some girl online. We fall asleep together 9 times out of ten because we are just so comfortable and it feels safe and wonderful. The pain keeps me up but my mind has settled in and I relax more in his arms. I sleep more now then ever in the past. When it's one of my night terrors, he jolts awake and starts petting me "I've got you, you are home, you are safe, nothing bad is happening, I've got you, you are safe, noone can get you here, I won't let anything bad ever happen to you". And it sounds corny but it either keeps me asleep and stops the bad dream or wakes mejust long enough to hear it and go right back to sleep. TY, Ro

J - JOB TITLE: In the Past, Cocktail Waitress, Model, Painter, Dancer, Assistant to an artist, Burlesque, then I ran a studio for a few years, did some voice acting in radio commercials, then tended bar and managed clubs, bars, lounges, still doing a few shoots or side gigs (piano playing) on the side. But with ALL those "jobs" I ALWAYS maintained my TRUE and BELOVED Career as a Writer. With some success too, but who loves a braggart? Not I, Sam I Am.

K - KIDS: Hated them Hated them Hated them. Once almost had a son with my ex because my 'love' for him made me love our son, but that ended in my second trimester and I terminated the couple that came after that with others, being pro-choice and not ready. Plus, each time, the birth control DIDN'T WORK. I had no other choice that would have been right for me or the child. Besides, after the father of my son, Blaek, I was not in love. So I thought I would remain childless.
But then Robert and I got engaged four years ago, both saying we did NOT want kids. Then the love we had got deeper..stronger...more solid...more...pure. And out of the blue, a couple years after we got together, it happened. We looked at each other and wanted nothing more than to have a child (hopefully two) with each other. It's not because my 'clock is ticking' at 33 because I don't want just -any- baby. I want -his- baby/babies and he concurs. So cross your fingers.

L - LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: We just moved into a condo which will be our home for as little as 6 months to as many as 6 years. We just don't know. However I do know that in a few weeks, I get to pick out my Xmas rescue dog that Robert is giving me now that we can have pets. So expect lots of pictures my friends. And of course Fredo (our horse head in bed), Oscar (our Zombie Baby), and as always, Eeyore (my eldest that's been with my since I was 18 and traveled through three of New York's five burroughs, Chicago, West Palm, Dallas, Arkansas, Tampa and EVERYWHERE with me

By the way, my mum wants a grandchild so much, the boys are wearing just some of the clothes she ALREADY bought and sent. LOL
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

M - MOM'S BIRTHPLACE: Bellefontaine, Ohio. Which is how my name almost ended up being "Fontaine". Interesting since I later became a 'Donovon' and "He's just mad about Fontaine". LOL

N - NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: In my lifetime?!? Are you Kidding me?! I'm a Vegetarian that buys apples at every grocery store trip and munches on them twice a week or so. Let's just say a freaking lot, mate.

O - OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: How many different stays or how many nights?! 8 or 9 stays, 35 nights give or take.

P - PHOBIA: Falling and being buried alive followed by drowning and fire. But Mostly high places I could fall from (and sometimes elevators. They might drop!) and Being Buried alive.

Q - QUEST: To help people be more loving to each other and animals, including making more vegetarians (no more supply and demand). I've made 20-30 semi, partial, or full Vegetarians/Vegans in my lifetime that stayed that way and at least a dozen went Veggie just to date me so for the duration of the relationship, they ate no meat, and that alone saved some lives. Not to mention all the people that don't eat meat in front of me or at restaurants just to be kind. That helps. I just want people to love one another, not fight, be cool to each other and love animals instead of pick their bones dry with BBQ sauce. Peace and Love for People and Animals. Add in some art, music, literature, and culture and this would be one happy girl.

R - RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: DOG, NO!!!! Agnostic leaning heavily towards Atheism. I feel sorry for people that need the crutch of religion and I feel sorry for me for knowing the truth.

S - SIBLINGS: Two brothers of the Blood that I love with every fiber of my being. Jim, older by 12 and a half years and my half brother (though I dislike that term) Blake, younger by 14 and 1/2 years. My poor father was a father of a minor ever since he stopped being one for 45 years and it's not even really over since Blake is still in school. Mum has Jim and I and my Father has Jim, me, then Blake, though my little brother didn't even know we existed until like five years ago. Another story for another day...when I am feeling maudlin, wistful, and betrayed.

T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: When the Pain Comes. So usually early. My mind is a night person, usually created my best work between midnight and dawn. But now, pain rules our life. Sad yet true. (Again, Thank you Robert)

U - UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS YOU'VE WORN: Auburn, Pink, Purple & Blue, Just Blue, I'm a natural Blonde so I once tried to go white without harmful chemicals (for my hair and the environment) but that didn't really work, so I then went candy apple red. Black. Purple & Black. But now and mostly I stick in the red/pink family.

V - VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Beets. I love the rest but turnips and beets. EW. (Or anything cooked with Meat)

W - WORST HABIT: Smoking. I have it WAY down and I do lights half the time and use an Electronic Ciggie sometimes because we are prepping for my pregnancy. I know I have got a year or two yet, but because I am going to be about 35 when it happens, I want to be a non smoker, and give him/her the best chance.

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth, Back (LOTS and LOTS of my back), Arms and During my "Cancer Summer of 96'" they did everything to me, but gave me heavy drugs, so I don't remember chunks of it. Hell, I was just 16 turning 17. Oh, and I just had my first (I think) mammogram due to the 8 Cancer Deaths in my family. Does that count?

Y - YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: I'm a GREAT baker, especially low-fat. Just conquered Fudge. Robert loves my Shepard's Pie, Lasagna, and my low fat desserts. I just asked Ro and he said he can't really remember me making something yuckie. Oh But I Can!! I make this WONDERFUL century old from scratch family recipe for 'potato soup'. My first couple months here was in the middle of a BRUTAL winter so I start making it for him while he's at work. It's halfway done, I have no Plan B for dinner and I reach for the onions but the cubbard was bare. I freaked!! They were essential for flavour. So what did I do. Le Sigh. Noticed there were 1/2 a dozen jalapenos. Since I never really used them before, I didn't know about 'deseeding' them. You can figure out the rest. That's the only time he didn't finish his bowl and we dumped the rest. I hate to waste food, but this soup might have killed small animals!!!

Z - ZANY QUIRK: Making Coffee Ice-Cubes so they won't water down hot coffee?? Not really Zany. Oh, I put like 20 stickers on every letter I send and if it's an official letter, even to a lawyer that hates me...they still get a few stickers. That's all that is coming to mind. If you think of more, let me know ;)

meme, work, more useless 'me' trivia, animals, ro, phobias, family, pain

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