"I- I wish.... you would take my money!"

Dec 06, 2012 00:26

With yet more showings of the first two Madoka Magica movies being announced, and the UK *still* not having got a look in, I thought I'd work out the numbers.

Thus far the announced/happened showings in each English speaking territories (and their population counts) are such:
  • 42 in USA - 314.9million
  • 4 in Australia - 22.8million
  • 2 in Hong Kong - 7.1million
  • 2 in Singapore - 5.3million

Which if transposed onto the UK's 62.3million, would work out at-
8, 10, 17, or 23 showings respectively.

And clearly, it's piracy that's killing profits *rolls eyes ...sobs*


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