despairous dwelling dwellings

Feb 03, 2012 18:36

Have spent today continuing to work on a letter for a friend I'll leave nameless, to help her get some social housing and out of the sickening slum (this is describing it politely) she is currently forced to live in.

Last night we joked that the place was so bad it was capable to driving passers-by to despair.

Well, while it probably doesn't do that to others, it certainly is doing it to me. And I'm hundred of miles away! I won't rant here but the whole sordid clusterfuck that is free market housing and the unregulation of it inspite of the massive human misery caused unbelievably depresses and even literally nauseates me. And having to catalogue the shit with her place, and then research and cite the meagre laws it breaches makes dwelling (oh, haha!) on the whole thing unavoidable, even when cocooned in my own little social housing comparatively-sanctuary.

Stuff like this just makes me want to go axe-crazysane on humanity for the horrific reality that is it's mass complicity with it's own self-torture.

So I'm blanking out the letter work for the rest of day (and possibly tomorrow), and instead filling my time with some comparatively fun fluffy happy stuff - a tale of innocent happy cute girls doing cute things ....turning into one of rape, incestuous abuse, manipulation, prejudice, mental disintegration. and murder.

housing, despair at the human species

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