down, up, up, up, down, up, down down down!, up, down
Whatever the cheat code for manic depression is, I think it's written in binary!
Given that today, I've got up(!), showered, gone to the art shop, boots, and done a stock up shop, I guess I should feel ok about myself, but instead I'm just loathing myself for crying, cutting, eating unhealthily, being poor, being ill, failing to get my DLA prep far enough that I'm ready to brief my substitute GP, and sucking at art.
Instead of yetmore DL-fucking-A form wanking, I instead did the below attempt at cell-shading. Based off an impromptue pencil drawing I did while away (experiment in faces), and obv done in Illustrator, so it's vectors not raster. I'm feeling terribly meh about it, which I guess is better than the hatred and shame I have for the drawing of HunterstonA-tan I did prior. FWIW I gave up on adding ALL the shadows due to boredom.