the week clouds hugged the streets

Mar 27, 2011 17:35

For something like 5 continuous days now, the coastal plain below us has been wreathed in a mist or low level cloud around the clock. It occurs every so often, but I don't remember it lasting this long in one go before. Just reminds me how awesome the weather and geography is here.

At night it's has been particularly eerie when the sky has been clear, the intense black above countered by a sickly orange mass consuming the city below. During the less than 10 minutes in which I captured this panorama, the little lights went from piercing through quite comfortably, to being completely unspottable. Brings apocalyptic horror movies to mind.

(photo is unaltered as I haven't had the spoons to try to enhance it, but look 'down at it, from a 60degree angle for the best view)

swansea, pics

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