'Not suitable for under-4s: Contains small parts, and may rain down nuclear fire'

Dec 27, 2010 01:45

Following on from my thoughts last week on Figma {a Japanese brand of posable action figures ...since i hadn't clarified that before} modding. I've been working on-off on the viability of the concept for Okuu. Today I did a fresh roughing-out of the chimera of cannabalised parts and polished it into the fairly accurate and to scale concept art below:

(click to embiggen)

  1. Used Miyuki's hair, since she's easier to get hold of than Konata's, and the front of her hair lends itself to minor modding into an Okuu like cut. Although this leaves the hair falling short length wise.
  2. Couldn't be arsed to indicate the deep space pattern on the inside of her mantle (cape).
  3. Scrimped on drawing the wing feathers as a) I didn't want to be there all week, b) I need to study crow/raven feathers a bit more.
  4. Stuffed up the tail feathers and couldn't be bothered to fix them.
  5. Undecided yet as to how to articulate the right foot joint under the 'Elephant's Foot' or attach the electron orbits on the left foot, thusly methods not shown.
  6. Okuu's 'third eye' is obscured in the pic by her 'third leg', just the way the pose came out and I didn't realise until it was too late to fix easily.
  7. I can't do faces for shit. ._.

Other than the aforementioned hanging issues I am exceedingly pleased as this now actually looks readily achievable (and awesome!) and not just a nice thought.

Edit: an example of how utsuho is typically depicted-

 . . 

touhou, figures, creativity, /!\ rabid fangirling alert /!\

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