
May 07, 2006 14:33

This is the latest entry from Lennon's livejournal coming live to you from Beaconsfield Tasmania.

I'm currently jiving to the greatest metal record of all time (that's Master of Puppets, kids) and eating crumpets with jam on them.

Richard Carlton has collapsed and is been taken to Launceston hospital folks.

The past week I've come under a couple of revelations:

- Megatron in Beast Wars is the greatest of all Transformers
- Optimus Prime is better than Optimus Primal
- I need to get a life
- I'm not that good of a writer.

I've been listening to a lot of new albums. Tool. Pearl Jam. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Eagles Of Death Metal.

Out of the four, I have decided to put them in the following ranking:

1. Pearl Jam - nothing
2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcidum
3. Tool - 10,000 Days
4. Eagles of Death Metal - Death By Sexy

The new Jam and Peppers are both great. They both sound fresh and have some great songs that shall make 2006 very memorable I am sure.

Tool has some great stuff on it, but suffers from being too long.

Eagles of Death Metal is alright. It sounds better than the debut, but honestly I just can't get into that music that much. It's meant to be "dance rock", but I find myself shaking my ass harder to Jambi.

Does anyone else have any music recommendations for me? There are restrictions you must abide by:

- Can't be shit
- Has to be released in 2006
- Can't be better than Pink Floyd

I don't have much else to say, but I love you all. Well some of you. Some others in my friends list just give me the shits, but I'm not gonna point fingers, that'd be nasty.

UPDATE: Richard Carlton died! Now it looks like I was being an ass.
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