Jan 31, 2006 21:57
So today was alright, did well on my math test I hope... And then I went and finished the dorm thing with Matt today and it went well,and didn't take too long... For everything else I'm doing alright, still a lot of things on my mind, some hard to share.. but I'll get thru it like always... Im still having that sick thingy or whaever it is, idk b/c i know im not sick b/c I feel fine except for some days, I feel nautious and weak and light headed like today, and then I just pass out and fall asleep and dont wake up for awhile, id ont even know what that is, oh well probably nothing... so yeppers...
Another thing is, i found that it is realllllllllllllllly hard to concentrate in math, b/c of Jaime.. They say you know it is goooood when you still think about everything with the person you love and it doesnt stop! .... i love her to death and I want to do something special for the one month... and oh I will... much love ~Nick
1/2/06 <3 I love you