Aug 27, 2006 18:11
yeah .. about that. Thats wha tI need right now. my g/f is over 500 miles away and there is no way on earth I could ever cheate on her it would just shatter her world apart not to mention Would go against all the values that I have.
yeah so I finally finished watching bleach i now have to start reading the manga cause i'm Crazy addicted now and well I really can't go without bleach and I have to wait another week for new episodes to come out. >.<
I DON"T WANT TO WAIT! I need to know whats goign to happen to bayakuya .. .I wanna see hime get his ass hinded to him.. ^_^
Anyways yeah.. I love you guys you ave made me feel beter with your comments ^_^ <3 to you all
And to all a good fight...