At Yellowstone, all the geysers are active, but most of them just sleep for a couple decades. Consistency? Rare.
The finale of this tragedy is that I'll be missing prom. Not like I really had a choice, although I did. It's not the complete story that I'm missing a date, which is arguably the whole point. Don't get me started on this whole "you'll have fun with your friends and you should just pick up a girl there/enjoy yourself." Although that's not false, it takes away most of the spirit of the ceremony. Still, I know I'm missing out, and I'll be stopping and looking up from my physics a lot two Saturdays from now at University of Maryland.
Before you start trying to convince me to still go or comfort me, let me say this.
First, the last day to purchase tickets was Friday.
Second, most of the ladies that I know from school are either paired off or adamantly going solo. More power to them. As for the rest of them, I would feel inappropriate asking them because I didn't know them well, and I wouldn't know what to do with them/talk with them about, not being close to them. Basically, asking someone to prom merely for the sake of having a date to prom is really dumb. Meaningful relationships, yes. Meaningful friendships, yes. Meaningful first dates, no.
Third, I was told by the wonderful people at the Physics Olympics Program (PhOP for short) that I couldn't go to prom at all, when I signed on. They only allowed me to last Wednesday. Let's see how quickly John can get a date, and don't snicker.
Fourth, plans are pains. limo, dinner, tux, post-prom, and did I mention getting home? Correction: plans are pains when you're a third (or thirteenth) wheel, or a charity case, or otherwise an intruder on a perfectly happy, static, exclusive, tight group. Disharmony when you have to administrate is bad, but disharmony when you've caused it is definitely worse.
Fifth, how would I get there? My 'rents? I'd probably come in on the Ride-on. Like anyone's going to want to drive out just to give me a lift. See Fourth.
Sixth, is it worth it? Really. $_$. Or, after I'd be done paying for prom... X_'. Cuesta un ojo de cara!
Roll a die, take your pick of reasons.
That being said, the sadness still stands. I mean, where else can you go to see all your friends from senior year together, gorgeously handsome, and remember them from, just enjoying each other's company for one unadulterated (ahem) night?
Oh well, let's pull out the senior pictures. Who still wants one? Note: if you're a senior, you have to give me one back. Or I'll give you the so-so picture, as opposed to the picture in which I look slightly better than so-so.