Apr 19, 2007 01:13
God, there is so much hate just everywhere. It's terrifying, you know? Fred Phelps and WBC is going to picket the funerals of the victims of the VT shooting. That alone is awful. But after hear this I decided to research him and his organization and when you look up thing against him it's all "We should kill all the Christians," "this is what religion does," and how terrible religion is. Now Phelps and his 'church' is a small group of hate filled brainwashed people. I just don't get all people can just hate the entire mass of religion. I can understand not believing in it that's your business, but how is it okay to condemn an entire group of people. All religions, and majority of people have been faced injustice and persecution, and all were doing is feeding the cycle. Hate can't be fought with hate. I'm certainly not preaching I'm some holier then thou saint, I hate far more often then I should, but I guess recognizing and trying to stop it is a start. It's tough to love everyone only a select few can succeed in that and I certainly don't fall in that group. I'm praying for all the VT victim's families and friends, but in addition I pray for the world Phelps and his crew included. I can't love everyone but the God I believe in does, bad people included or else I'd be in trouble cause I'm not the good person I try for most of the time.
So love thy neighbor as thy self, doesn't matter the neighbor