cost of health care.

Aug 24, 2009 22:30

(today I put on my democrat pin)
I have been hearing a lot of talk about health care. Lots of people using numbers to support what they believe that prove all sorts of things. So I am going to use some logic. The biggest argument against government health care is it will cost us more money. Well lets take Joe. Joe gets really sick and goes to the hospital. He is poor and can't pay his bill.
Situation A he has access to some sort of government help. His bill is paid and he goes on his way. You have higher taxes to pay for health care sorry you have less money.
Situation B he has no access to health care. He has no job so has no private health care. He goes to the emergency room that has to treat him. The hospital bills him more than he can ever pay welcome to a life of poverty. So now the hospital needs to make up the rest of the money so everyone else who goes to the hospital has to pay higher bills to cover the lost money. So you still pay for his health care but his life is ruined. Unless you don't have health insurance in which case you are playing Russian roulette for money.Then you may randomly get sick. Be denied health insurance because its free market and you are a liability and live in poverty.
I am not even touching the cost saving of preventative medicine or the fact that for profit health care will try to drop you the moment you are sick enough that you are no longer profitable (see for profit medicine). And the fact that if you are already sick you can't get health care. I may rant on those a future day.
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