Jul 28, 2010 22:23

Haha, I saw it. Twice. I didn't really want to watch it a second time, though, not because it wasn't good but because I'm poor, but I was pressured into it by a friend I haven't seen in a really long time. (PEER PRESSURE IS BAD, KIDS)
Yeah, it was a good movie, a tad too much hype, but not like Avatar, thank God. (ADDITIONALLY, I HEARD THE LAST AIRBENDER SUCKED SO MUCH. But I haven't seen it. I don't want to spend my nonexistent money on a sucky movie.)
AND my favorite character was definitely Arthur. I totally ship Arthur/Eames. And Arthur/Ellen Page (her character's name was something ridiculous and unimportant). And Arthur/Everyone.

Yeah. But dude, Mal (Mol? Whatever, she's French) kind of freaked me out. I dunno, I'm probably just really weird and easily freaked out, but. She was scary ;_;

On a different note, someone decided to remind me that school is starting soon, and I almost wanted to jump off a bridge. I don't even want to think about required reading. The Scarlet Letter and some handbook on rhetorical devices, kill me now.

... Yeah, that's about it. Life's uneventful in the summer. (Good or bad?) Here, have AN AMAZING REMIX OF AN AMAZING SONG:

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school, movies, inception, summer, music

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