Aug 02, 2006 23:08
I got my senior picture taken today... the last picture ill have taken for Logan High...
... Eighteen is comming at me fast, and I don't know if I'm ready...
... Interesting times up ahead my way...
... If anyone wants to set Jason up on a blind date, go for it, he's up for some relationship adventure... the sails on the boat are set if you catch my meaning ;)
... I've been at the Factory for a full year now, quite the acheivment, eh? I'm known as the "Golden Child", and I even got another raise, Im just 15 cents away from minimun wage! Fernando has plans of setting up another Factory in North Logan, and I would be in a position of certain prominence there.... who knows! I love my job.
Had another root canal done, it went bad like the last one. Bleh, to hell with dentistry.
I have obtained over 80 GBs of music now. What to do with it all, I dont know.
So yesterday I finnaly deep cleaned my car out, and guess what I found under my seat? MY IPOD NANO! I thought it got stolen - no turns out it was just sitting under my seat for 5 months, and it works to boot! I'm just silly like that.
Well... that's all I got... now stop wasting you time reading this and go do somthing productive you lazy capitalist pig!
Ill be able to finnaly be a member of the Communist Party when I'm 18! Woot! ^_^