
Mar 18, 2014 23:58

Well I really kept up to the 'update more' goal didn't I? ^^ Here's a bit of an update ~ can't you tell that I should totally be doing something else right now *cough*packing*cough*

I'm intending on posting some photos from my 2nd visit to the Harry Potter tour last November (yep I'm bad) and my kind of birthday trip to London back in January. Need to pick out my favorites

Randomly started going to 'Circus Skills' which is a lot of fun and getting less painful by the week :P My main focus is poi (which I can now turn round with without hitting myself in the face! so yaaay!) I do tend to prat around with a hoop sometimes too.

And on Thursday I fly to Boston! *excited* Got 9 days in the states ~ planning on going on mini-missions (Foxwoods/Salem) we're also going to Anime Boston while there which should be fun! never been to an American Con before. Haven't been to an anime con in general since 2009. I've dug out my Misa (Death Note) and Zell (Final Fantasy 8) cosplays, quite glad they still fit, I appear to have lost weight ^^

Now I shall be off to make a list of things I could do with not forgetting to pack/do before I go...or sleep, if I'm being honest it'll be sleep...
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