Dr Sketchy's

May 06, 2013 20:31

We've actually had a sunny bank holiday and I still haven't left the flat ^^ Instead I've been cleaning (in preparation of adelaide_rain's return tomorrow) and working on my very first dread wig (am on to the second to last stage I think *go me!*)

I've done a couple of those 'guess the quotes' meme's recently and I keep thinking that I should write my own, we'll see. I did get round to updating the last couple of months of Dr Sketchy's drawings though ~ March and April

April includes one of my favourite pieces from recent months...it's been a month and I still think I'm proud of it ^^ hence the need to share it below :P

Hope everyone's been well, I keep saying I'm gunna try to LJ more and never get round to it, I do however read my flist a lot and try to comment :) 


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