100 things ~ 12

Mar 24, 2013 21:05

I really am bad at updating ~ I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm managing this one it because I'm supposed to be packing ^^ We (family and me) are having a fairly last minute trip to London tomorrow. Looking forward to a good few days ~ I'm dragging them all to Camden again :P ~ If only I could shift the last of this epic cold, seriously I haven't ear ache like this since I was a kid

Anyway back to the blogging challenge I *might* have forgotten about ^_^

Date/time stamp: 30/10/09 13:04:04 ~ What you're looking at is a couple of wrapped up statues! This was taken in Leeds City Square, that building is the old post office. I can't remember why they'd been wrapped up. I seem to think it might have been to do with some 'demo' that was going due to take place later that day, so it might have been to protect them. Or they could have been moving them or something. Either way I remember walking past and thinking that they looked rather silly, a photo had to be taken

Hope all is well with everyone!

100 things, photos

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