I still appear to be suffering from 'internet crapness' This challenge gives me an excuse to bore the crap out of people on a daily bases yet I can only manage 3 post a month :(
Suppose thats a plus for anyone reading this really :P
Anyhoo ~ on to number 11 of 100
My freshly done ankle tattoo + the tattooist's crotch
Date/time stamp: 04 April 2008, 15:55:50.
You seriously can't get much fresher than this, its all red and really really black. It was taken on my phone as soon as it was done, before the clingfilm was added. This tattoo experience was A LOT better than my previous one. It goes all the was around my ankle and despite what everyone said I actually found it more ticklish than painfull. I also vivdly remember at one point while the back was getting done I was laid on my front talking to a guy across the room who was getting a chest pieces done. Topic of conversation = The Sims ^^ All in all a fantastic tattooing experience and the tatt is still looking good!
* Not sure if I'd linked this here yet ~
Sketches from May's Dr Sketchy's