Jul 26, 2009 12:51

I must have been bitten by the crazy bug or something recently, that or I've had a suprising boost of confidence ~ either was I'm a little scared by it

I made an account ( and actually put something up, then I figgured what the hell I might as well post here too.

The Harry Potter prompt 300 series!

I asked jenniekittyto give me a list of pairing and prompts, with which I tried to write a drabble for each, all exactely 300 words long. Theres 10 parts in total
Title: Bets a Bet
Rating: PG-13 (maybe)
Wordcount: 300
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: All characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling
Warnings: General sillieness
Prompts: Harry/Draco, Quidditch, Rocking Horse

“You can’t honestly make me do this”

“A bet is a bet, Potter”


“-No buts” Draco grinned mischievously, leaning forward to place a quick kiss on his disgruntled boyfriend’s forehead  “If it was the other way round you would take great pleasure in making me do this. Now let’s not keep your public waiting”

That said Draco walked off, heading towards the Quidditch pitch and Harry’s ultimate fate. Sighing Harry followed the Slytherin, he’d faced the Dark Lord and won…how hard could this be?


Harry couldn’t workout how people knew about this; though he had a feeling his ‘gossips more than a girl’ boyfriend had something to do with it

The Quidditch stands were full, like all eight school years - minus the teachers thankfully - had turned out to watch him humiliate himself, sighing for the hundredth time he took a deep breath *might as well get this over with* the sooner he started the sooner he could teach Draco a lesson for thinking up such a humiliating forfeit

Determination setting in, he took a step forward and mounted the wooden animal


“I can’t believe Harry’s actually gonna do this”

“Of course he is, Weasleby, he gave his word”

Draco was watching from the crowd, knowing his green robes would stand out from the surrounding sea of red; he wanted Harry to be able to see him. Draco had severely underestimated how fast word travelled around the school, more shocking was the amount of people who actually turned up - but then again, who could pass up the chance to see ‘Harry Potter Saviour of the World’ flying round Hogwarts on an enchanted wooden rocking horse. Draco cheered and laughed along with the crowd as the horse gained height, he was thankful he had bet on the Cannons for once


Title: Should not have listened
Rating: pg-13 (maybe)
Wordcount: 300
Pairing/Characters: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the lot, I'm just playing with them
Warnings: None
Prompts: Snape/Lupin, after a full moon, Lupin being mean to Snape, get a Malfoy in there, Jam

I am smarter than this; I should have seen it coming. Why didn’t I see this coming? It was a stupid thing that lead to a foolish mistake, we should not have started it, I should not have started it, I should not have listened to him and I definitely should not have fallen for him

He did this on purpose, acting one way, making me *shudder* fall in love with him, making me let my guard down, he did it to break me, that much is obvious, look at the way he’s been acting recently - stupid Gryffindor

Being rash and snappy, angry, forceful and kind of predatory, standing me up last night was the last straw, leaving me out by the lake in the cold night nothing but the full moon to keep me company - he looks alright now though, not really sick but maybe a little rough, I watch him from the other side of the room, he was probably up partying with his annoying friends instead of meeting me like he promised

As rough as he looks he has still got time for his friends I notice, watching him laugh and joke with Pettigrew, Black and Potter! - I don’t think he even remembers I exist this morning; he is purposefully avoiding looking this way…

“Oi Severus” I look up, momentarily confused that other people exist “Pass the Jam will you?”

For a minute there I thought the seventh year was going to say something about my mood, but that would be silly, expecting Lucius Malfoy to notice anyone but himself, that rarely happens

He’s another one I should not have listened to, I watch has he accepts the offered Jam turning all his attention to his long-term girlfriend Narcissa Black - nope shouldn’t have listened to her either


harry potter, fiction

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