Aug 06, 2009 13:35
I wanted you to know that I am now soliciting submissions for a magazine I'm putting together. With any luck, the first issue will be out by September 18.
None of this online crap! This will be a real, honest-to-god, tangible item that you can hold in your hands. Granted, it will probably be bound with yarn, but the things in it are going to kick some major ass. This is where you come in. I need things that kick major ass.
What do you do? You do what you do, and then you send it to me. Here are acceptable forms of submissions:
-reviews of reviews
-something that will impress us,
and anything else awesome you can think of.
Just send your stuff to
Then we'll be selling them for a low, low price, yet to be determined. And if you're in it, you might even get it for free.
Don't miss this chance to be fantastic.
Thanks, dudes.