::A small orange-and-white hamster wanders onscreen, wearing what appears to be a hamster-sized sheep costume::
Baa. Baaaa.
I posted this originally at my personal LiveJournal,
leaper182, as a response to a lemming that was in circulation. However, seeing as how some of you might have missed them, I give you my...
JANUARY (3 fics)
16 -
Maybe Not So Naughty [Beauty & the Beast, Lumiere/Cogsworth]
17 -
Another Little Bit [Beauty & the Beast, Lumiere/Cogsworth]
17 -
Lumiere's Return to the Master [Beauty & the Beast, Lumiere/Cogsworth]*
FEBRUARY (5 fics)
06 -
Heart to Heart [Beauty & the Beast, Lumiere/Cogsworth UST]*
06 -
Simplicity Itself [Beauty & the Beast, Lumiere/Cogsworth]*
06 -
Familiar Faces [Beauty & the Beast, Cogsworth/OFC UST]*
06 -
Lady Roxanne [Beauty & the Beast, Cogsworth/OFC UST]*
18 -
The Unanswerable Question [Beauty & the Beast, gen]*
MARCH (10 fics)
12 -
Blood [Law & Order, gen]
13 -
Untitled AU Piece [Law & Order: TOS/TBJ, gen]*
20 -
Good Eats [Law & Order: TBJ, gen]
20 -
Drinking Green Beer [Law & Order, gen]
20 -
Mike's Green Eyes [Law & Order, Briscoe/Logan]
20 -
Green With Envy [Law & Order, Stone/Kincaid or Stone/McCoy UST]
20 -
Heritage [Law & Order, gen]
20 -
Fire & Ice [Law & Order: TBJ, Kibre/LaSalle]
25 -
Speculation #1 [Law & Order, Briscoe/Logan]
25 -
Speculation #2 [Law & Order: SVU, Munch/Tutuola]
25 -
Speculation #3 [Law & Order: TBJ, Kibre/LaSalle]
APRIL (10 fics)
10 -
Guilty Pleasure [Law & Order: TBJ, gen]
10 -
Freak Rain [Law & Order, gen]
10 -
Remembering [Law & Order, Briscoe/Logan]
12 -
Too Damn Hot [Law & Order: TBJ, gen]
13 -
Seeing Dr. Cooksey [Original (Real Life), gen]*
14 -
Just... Thinking [Law & Order, gen]
15 -
Bullet-Proof [Law & Order, gen]
15 -
Munch's Rabbit's Foot [Law & Order: SVU, gen]
15 -
Lucky Penny [Law & Order, gen]
25 -
Hello Again [Law & Order, gen]
25 -
Time to Go Home [Law & Order, gen]
MAY (29 fics)
02 -
Just Another Saturday Night [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
03 -
Stops and Starts [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
03 -
Heading Out to Slay Dragons or Some Such Nonsense [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
04 -
Another Score [Law & Order, Briscoe/Logan UST]
04 -
Dirty Thoughts [Law & Order, Briscoe/Logan UST]
04 -
Bagels Are Love [Law & Order: SVU, gen (or Munch/Tutuola)]
04 -
Casey Gets A Lift [Law & Order: SVU, gen]
04 -
Tells [Law & Order, gen (or Stone/Kincaid)]
04 -
Messy, Yet Fun [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
05 -
From Bad to Worse [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
05 -
Having His Way [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
05 -
From Bad to Worse (tidbit) [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, gen for this part]
09 -
Familiar [Law & Order, gen]
10 -
Untitled Challenge Answer [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
10 -
Distance [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
10 -
Against the Wall [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
11 -
Passive Aggression [Law & Order, gen]
11 -
The Heart of the Matter [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, gen]
11 -
The Heart of the Matter (extended version) [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur UST]
11 -
Untitled Sequel to "Heart of the Matter" [Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford/Arthur]
13 -
Starved For Touch [Spiderman 2, Peter/Dr. Octavius]
17 -
Beginnings [Shrek 2, Harold/Lillian]
19 -
Lawyers, Guns, and Money [Law & Order: TBJ, gen AU]
26 -
Moments [Law & Order, Jack McCoy/Paul Kopell]
27 -
Reaching Out [Star Wars, Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi]
JUNE (1 fic)
02 -
Untitled Crossover [Law & Order/Star Wars, Briscoe/Logan]
JULY (3 fics)
07 -
On the Surface [Numb3rs, Larry/Charlie]
07 -
True Love [Law & Order, Briscoe/Logan]
13 -
After Hours [House, House/Wilson]
AUGUST (2 fics)
01 -
Getting the Point Across [House, House/Wilson]
12 -
Relationships [House/Harry Potter, House/Wilson Harry/Ginny]
*None in September that I can find*
OCTOBER (3 fics)
08 -
[Law & Order: CI, gen]
10 -
Another Partner [Law & Order: CI, gen]
10 -
One of Our Own [Law & Order, gen]
19 -
Answering Out Loud [Law & Order: TOS/CI, Briscoe/Logan]
NOVEMBER (3 fics)
10 -
Saying Good Night [Blackadder, George/Melchett]
25 -
A Different Breed of Killer [Law & Order, gen]
25 -
Need [House, gen]
*None in December that I can find*
I also started
hphouse_scenes and
house_sup with
hawkeyecat and
hw_em_fic with
hawkeyecat and
amazonqueenkate. All three are AUs of House, and none of them are really ready for public consumption just yet...
TOTAL: 69 fics.
NOTE: All of the fics denoted by an asterisk are ones that are posted on
leaper182, and are probably Friends-locked. If you want to read them, feel free to leave a note and I'll unlock the post for ya.
And y'know what? I'm very sure there's more I left out, can't find, or can't remember.