May 16, 2005 08:53
Shitty morning. I'm optimistic about the rest of the day, since the morning was so shitty, so it can only look up from here.
Normally I enjoy drama class, but today's was unendurably painful. I accidentally made two incredibly awkward comments (unintentionally too! Thunderpants is NOT a porno movie! My point was that no movie could possibly be as stupid as the one I was subjected to, and I wasn't correcting Mr. Mo, there really is such a thing as Silicone Valley [although I'll admit I should've known he was talking about Silicon, that was stupid of me) , that totally killed the mood of the whole circle, and since that's unacceptable, the next five minutes were spent making fun of me, until finally I made a cynical comment under my breath, only the whole class heard it, because I have no whispering voice. It was "Only 70 more years until I don't have to hear this anymore. Hurray for death." Of course, that brought on it's own commentary, but I had tuned it out by then. I barely said a word for the rest of class. Which is just as well, since no one talked to me anyway. I don't think I'll ever talk again, if the most innocent-meaning of comments can bring on such incredible backlash.
And Sonya STILL has done nothing. So I'm going to fail my drama ISU now, and not get into university. I'm doing my part, why can't she just do hers? She's done NOTHING!!!! I can't take much more of it, I constantly harrass her to actually start doing her part, but she does NOTHING!!!! Honestly, she's totally taking me for a ride if she expects to take half credit for my work, which is all the ISU is at this point. And that story isn't going to work, I've gotten quite a few "bad reviews" from it's readers. Anyone who isn't good friends with me who's read it, doesn't understand it, so I'm a litle skeptical about putting it up. Maybe it's for best that Sonya hasn't started directing or casting or planning yet.
I didn't get along with my dad again this morning. Ah well, I'm used to that too.
Barely slept last night too, more laying awake :( All kinds of little pins and needles constantly from not sleeping.
Anyway, it's not that bad, just a shitty morning. I'm sure I'll find a way to fix these things. Maybe Sonya will pull through in the end, maybe everyone will forget by tomorrow, I'll get some sleep tonight, maybe my dad will...whatever, who knows.
Ah well, at least the rest of the day was an improvement. I enjoyed everything past the morning, for the most part.