Mar 07, 2007 19:16
The Old God made Adam in his own image. He made him a benevolent creator who would become completely obsessed with his work. The Lord gave him paradise. It was a plane not unlike the Abyess called Eden. This plane was host too all of Adams dreams and in these dreams The Old God came too him in various forms which denied form. He told Adam to make his dreams a comcrete reality and to name it all. The naming is actually an act of binding reserved only for The Old God and his chosen pupils. The binded creations of Adam were not as we see the world today but rather they were refrences to the first dreams of man. All ideas are just recreations of dreams that Adam had and we precieve the world based on the order in which we remember his dreams. Valtiel came to Adam and commented on his works and thus did judgement color our world. Shape and form were made out of Adam and of Adam. Adam then lost insperation when he found one of his dreams called "Locust". This formless being was only named by Adam but lacked definite form. Adam had never simply named one of his dreams with out giving a thought to it's form. He found that the entity became of it's own and he had no power over it. He also found that the enetity hated him and that for this taught Adam of hate and thus of his own loss of affection. Adam lamented in his own insecruity and cried out to The Old God in his loneliness.
The Old God gave Adam an entity named Lilith. Lilith was akin to Adam save that she was female. She gave Adam a form and unto her did Adam give her a form. She saw him as being inferioir and he saw her as being inferior. Unlike lilith Adam knew what power was and so learned fear from his female counter-part. He cast her out of his paradise and watched her land in the Abyess. This one glance into hell taught Adam that not all was within his comprehension and this too taught him fear of God. He asked Valtiel as to what he had seen and Valtiel told him of Lucifer's exile. Judegement again painted our world with a fear of death and vengence from God. The Old God then took one of Adams Ribs and from this made a women in front of Adam. Adam was so sickend by this sight that he lost his counciousness. This entity of Adam was destroyed and another rib was taken from Adam. As Adam slept he was made second women named Eve. Eve was not named by God but rather by Adam when he awoke. Still sense man was made from the perception of Lilith, and then women were made from the perception of a man, this being it is Lilith who has power over women and not men who hold this power. Lilith became the lover of the fallen angels of lucifer's angelic host. From these did she birth demons and the children of the fallen. Thus, did hell's denisons evolve just as ours did.
This whole time the Crimson watched and ponderd what to do. He loved the world Adam had created and also saw a brother in him. The Spider then decided to go see his new brother and left the Abyess to come to Eden. This is how alot of things started to go bad faster then any being would have thought.
Too be continued maybe later tonight.....