Thy nudge is POWERFUL!

Oct 06, 2008 20:26

Yes, it has been a good few weeks since I've posted anything here...and for once, I actually have a legitimate excuse! Yeah, I know, hard to believe isn't it? Well, I no longer work at Valentine's...not a real big loss, as I began to really hate the job 2 weeks into it. I'm sorry, but I just can't work for someone who thinks John McCain is going to be the greatest thing to ever happen to the United States. That, and the fact that he simply doesn't know how to run a restaurant. Seriously, he'll bitch about how he's not making any money, but then sit and drink beer all night with his "friends" while watching the Sox game. They'll literally drink about $200 worth of beer...and he wonders why there's no cash being made; plus, he would charge his servers if someone paid with a credit card...yeah, I had to pay him a % of my tips because people pay with plastic. Whatever...I'm guessing he'll be closing his doors within 6 months.
Now, the reason I haven't posted anything in some time is that I have started my new job at Home Depot. I'm part of the Merchandise Execution Team, or M.E.T. It's a fancy way of saying that I go to different stores in the area from 6am to 2:30 pm and set up an maintain displays and current stock on the shelves. Currently, we're doing the holiday reset, which means that my hours change to 4am to 12:30. Yeah, it sucks having to be out the door by 3:30 (at the latest) but that means that I'm also done by 12:30. However, when 8pm hits, it feels like freaking midnight. That, and the fact that I take my lunch break at, whatever...the job pays good, I'm guaranteed 40 hours (I am hourly, and in retail, a guarantee in hours is unheard of) and in another few weeks, I'll have full benefits. Plus, I get paid for mileage and time spent traveling. I just wish I would've found this job after I left CJ...oh well, what's done is done.
Now for the other big news. We'll be moving to the Champaign area within the next month or so. My mom has made it perfectly clear that she wants us out ASAP; and truthfully, we want to get out ASAP. We decided to pass on moving to the Ran-Tucky area...mostly because I don't do or want to manufacture crystal meth. I'm hoping to be able to transfer with the Home Depot; if that's possible, my pay would transfer as well, and we'd be able to afford like a 3 bedroom apartment. As it is, if we can both make around $8.50/hr full time at one job, we could easily afford a NICE 1 bedroom apartment, AND be able to save up for a house. It's pretty much decided that we're moving, it's only a matter of when. One of the nice things about the area is Amtrak runs right through town, and it's only like a 2 hour train ride from Union, it's a LOT cheaper than driving. Funny thing is, we weren't even going to tell my mom we were moving; I actually planned on renting a truck on a Friday morning, getting everything loaded up, and just leaving the house keys on the counter with a note saying "Now you can get on with your life." But I decided that's just too callous, even for me. Well, it's late (relatively speaking), and I need to get some sleep before I get up at 3am. I'll try and get more up here tomorrow after I get home.
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