Aug 10, 2008 23:19
here's a question for those of you who have answers for such things. This may take a little bit of explanation. I have a network in my apartment consisting of a desktop in the bedroom and a lap top out here in the living room. As a result of said network (not to mention good speakers out here) I listen to a lot of my files from the desktop on the lap top. I have no trouble with that for the most part. I use the windows file and folder sharing options and it works quite well. Yet there is one little problem. I have a couple of winamp playlists which I want to be able to access from out here in the living room. Keep in mind that all the files for the play lists are located on the desktop and that the play lists itself are located on the desktop as well. I can't get them to work. Whenever I open the m3u files from out here on the lap top, it jumps through the play list without playing a thing. It will just move through the whole play list at lightning speed and won't play a thing. I have the folders which contain the files in them as share folders. I also have the folder which contains the m3u play lists as shares too. I've tried to copy and paste the objects in the play list and save them out here on the c drive of my lap top in hopes that it might fix the problem. It did the same thing. Does anyone understand the nature of my question? Am I making sense? Can any of you help me out? The play lists work just fine on the desktop. Why won't they work out here? I can play the individual files just fine. I could even cue them all back to back from out here. Yet I don't want to do that if I don't have to. They are in a specific order and there are over 400 items. Any suggestions?