Test results finally came in and...

Jan 29, 2013 15:02

I don't have Mono! They have no clue what it is I DO have, thought... Guess they'll have to run some more tests to find why my throat and glands swell up and I have fever and I lost 10 pounds doing absolutely nothing aside going to work (by car!) and staying on the computer all day.... So, my health's not really better than it was, just I'm getting used to working around it...

Following the good news that it wasn't mono and therefore, I was safe to roam around without contaminating people, Nick and I went to G-Anime Friday night to see Uchu Sentai Noiz's first live in Canada, which my friend Matsuro organised. These guys are so good and energetic (when I say energetic, I mean they dance and prance around and jump up and down like Miyavi does)  and funny and even their fans were so energetic!

The way Angel✮Taka danced at times reminded me of Gackt wearing his cat costume in U+K. Their clothes are so detailed, I could have spent hours gazing at all the details. Kyo-sama (the bassist) kind of caught my eye for some reason... might be because I was "stationed" in front of him most of the show... Yamato (the drummer) 's kind of cute, too! Nick also really enjoyed the show; he wanted their autograph (that we unfortunately could not because I was working the rest of the weekend so we had to catch our bus ride back home and the autograph sessions were scheduled for Saturday and Sunday :( ). So we ended up buying their cd Meteroids; I wish they had brought more merch with them; other fans had their t-shirt and it looked so nice! Guess I'll have to purchase one of those refill cards for my Japanese Itunes account and at least buy their other songs...

Nick wanted me to invite them to play for his birthday! Gosh, that kid is so innocent and cute at times! After ripping the songs to iTunes, I loaned him the cd to bring to school so they would believe him because he probably sounded like he was daydreaming when he told them we boarded a bus for 7 hours Friday to go there and come back and all! But I was lucky, he was quiet and did not argue in the bus or complain that it took a long time and all and he kept to his seat instead of trying to go all over the place like he sometime does when we go to Montréal...

I stumbled upon an awful lot of friends I haven't seen in forever

Ah, also, we had a meeting with the Principal, the teacher and other specialists from Nick's school and they almost only had positive things to report; his behavior in now much more normal and closer to what was expected from a kid his age and his grades are improving and all even though it doesn't show at home. The psychologist yields somewhat good results in the long term run. We are starting a diary project with him and Nick where Nick would log all of his daily prides and frustrations and all. Can't wait to see if it works out well...

We had a new guy at my job for a whole after the one fat creepy guy hitting on me decided to quit ; he was not so good so he got sacked so I'll still be having weird schedules for the time being...

concert review, uchu sentai noiz, news update

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