Stolen from Laury

Jun 25, 2011 00:29

I know I have a couple events to talk about, yet, but I dunno where to start so here's this to keep you a little entertained...


1. Who took your profile picture? (Myspace) Some lolita friend at the Fall 2009 Bowling Event, can't remember which, unfortunately!
(Facebook) Niakay/Marie-Ève Drouin, at the 2011 Ste-Dolorès event.

2. Exactly where did you get the clothes you're wearing right now?
Crossover tie shrug is a hand me down from Jazz-onee-chan and the pants were bought at X2O on my way to see a Project Versus live at the St-Laurent 2, back when Julien was still their singer.

3. What is your current problem?
I wish I could live in Montréal again, but my current job does not allow me to rent an appartment on my own there because they are so freaking expensive and prices might even soar these nest few years because they have to fix ALL of the darn bridges between montréal Island and the South Shore!

4. What makes you most happy?
My friends; I adore them.

5. What song are you listening to?
Watching videos posted on the SR blog ( to keep up-to-date with VK & Jmusic related news; I'm so behind catching up to all my blogs!

Chapter 1: ABOUT YOU ?

1. Name?

Caro, Nita (because of a gag between my Mexican-American Ricardo and I, I called him Ricarditito and he called me Carolinita and we shortened our nicks to just the last two syllables...), DarkSunMoon, Dark, Darky, DSM, Maman Dark...

4. Eye color?

5. Hair color?
Dark deep dirty mix, but looking kinda greyish light brown right now, with Caramel dye and blond tips due to the many bleaches and blond dyes I've had between 2007 and 2010.

6. Height?
Around 5'5

Chapter 2: FAMILY ?

1. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
Dad is easy to get along with; Mom has a lots of ups-and-downs and is often not very logical in her approach of things and tends to shorten every decision making or educational process into whatever will prevent people from arguying...

2. Are your parents chill?
Can't say my mom is; she even earned herself a pretty bad rep with my sister's friends. I didn't have much friends as a kid, but each male one I had, she instantly dubbed him your boyfriend . I used to hate her a lot when I was in my late teens and until I had Nick. Then, she changed and she evolved a bit since, but a lot of times, I'd change stuff about her...

3. Do you have any Siblings?
One sister, Jazz/Jacinthe (30)
Chapter 3: FAVORITE:

5. Drink (alcoholic)?
Anything Maïté or Hugo make for me at Passeport. Otherwise, Vodka-based & sweet drinks are my favorite. I'm pretty found of stuff featuring Blue Curuçao and pomegranate, too...

6. Drink (non alcoholic)?
Bubble teas, especially Green Apple Green Tea or Lemon Black tea or Choco-mint cream...

7. Pen color?

8. Store?
I usually purchase stuff from Yahoo!Auctions Japan via Rinkya, or Métamorphose Temps de Fille or stuff I can ordre via Paypal because I don't really have time to hang around in physical stores anymore with my wonky commuting and work hours schedule...

9. Person(s)?
At the moment, I dunno. I'm in an universal love kind of phase....

10. Famous Person(s)?
I guess I'll say Yoshiki! That man is so sweet and passionate, I just can't get enough of him!

Chapter 4: DO YOU ?

1. Write on your hand?
Only when I don't have paper handy and need to remember some kind of really important info that I will require in the very near future, like the bus number when I'm going to a new place or something. I have been having a goldfish's brain, memory-wise, lately....

2. Call people back?
When people call me and request that I do so in a clear manner (i.e. leaving their names and numbers, not just the way my sister does Hi, it's me, call me back! , not stating her name or anything or where she can be reached, when I have a cheap excuse of a voicemail system and I'm partly deaf, it's not always easy to make out who Hey it's me! is...

3. Believe in love?
Not certain...Will not try my hand at that again for quite a while; no time for boyfriends, nor in an healthy enough state of physical well-being,anyways

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
No choice; I'm sleeping on a couch for now because the basement is swarmed with stuff from my old appartment and my sister's last one when she lived with Eric...

Chapter 5: HAVE YOU?

1. Slept in someone else's bed?
Yup, I do that quite often, but recently, I've been a good girl and sleeping in someone else's bed without their presence in it lately. I slept in Shima, Ami and my son's bed (he wanted to switch for the couch, those nights) and my boyfriends/lovers' when I had them...

2. Whose bed did you last sleep in (other than your own)?
Shima's, but Shima was sleeping in his roomate's because she was in Japan during that time and allowed him to do so...

3. Had PHYSICAL therapy?
No, but I helped my ex with his when he injured his fingers on a saw at his job.

4. Had surgery?
Often, for my ears, when I was a kid. They put a lot of drains and ended up needing to make me a new ear drum membrane from skin from behind my ear in my left ear (so now, my hearing has stabilised to 25% deafness to bass sounds for the past 10 years). Once for my gums before I had braces. Had my wisdom teeth removed. I think that's pretty much it...

5. Gotten drunk?
Yup, once. Ask Fannie 'cause I don't remember much between drinking my last vodka-OJ shooter and waking up in my wet underwear, with wet hair, on Chris' bedroom floor. Nothing bad happened, I just threw up and she had me shower and she didn't know I had spares in my packback upstairs so she left me in my undies so I wouldn't be naked while she washed my clothes (which I still haven't managed to get back since, because they weren't dry when we left and I had changed into my spares.). I missed the EPIC argument between Chris and the neighbours, it seems. We had played frisbee in the nearby grocery store's parking, that was fun.

6. Overdosed on pain killers?
Nope. I only take one at a time, and only when absolutely necessary...

7. Been stung by a bee?
Yup and my friend nagged at me that I now looked half-Chinese because it was on the corner of my eyelid...

8. Threw up in a doctors office?

9. Got a crush on some one?
I did. Many times, on many different people, not at the same time. Sometimes, that lead to relationships, others, it lead to nothing but daydreaming....


1. Person to text you?

2. Thing you touched?
My sewing machine; I had lots of fixing and mending to do, today...

3. Thing you said?
Goodnight to Nick after dropping him his allergy medicine because he's sleeping over at his friend Marie-Soleil's across the fence from our place.

4. Person you hugged?
Nick, same time as above

5. Person you talked to on the phone?
Geneviève, Marie-Soleil's mom.

6. Person to buy you a rose?
No one :P I think only mom has ever bought me flowers, in my life, except from the bouquest I got at one of my old jobs when I started working there and when I left to go back to my studies.

7. Last book you read?
I haven't been reading books for a while. I guess some book on fashion I'd gotten at the local library.

8. Last time you cleaned your room?
Today; it was much needed and also, I needed room to take pictures of furniture my sister wants to show her BF before they move in to her new place.

9. Last time you spoke to someone you like?
Like IRL or does Facebook and forums count?!? * * *

useless memes

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