And so...

Feb 16, 2007 10:25

I feel down today. Well, first of all, I failed my
driving test Wednesday, I did *2* automatical failures mistakes :(, but for
the rest, Eric says I was adapting really weel to driving in the blizzard,
since it was my first time driving in snow, I had done rain a lot,
but snow was a first and he says I improved a lot since the beggining, that
I'm getting smoother in my way driving but I still need to work on being
more reffined and polished and that I've gone to both extremes so now, it's
just a matter of "retour du pendule" and reaching equilibrium by balacing it
out... I need to do more "dead angles" checks and relax a bit more... Why am
I turning into such a controlfreak when I have a wheel in my hands?!
Anyways, so that's two more lessons for me, so no L2 before the 2nd week of
March for me :'(

I went to the interview, it went well, but the lady seemed hesitant and she
offered me 2 jobs but both were not exactly what I had in mind, one being
part-time and the other one requiring a car and my not having my license
makes things more complicated...

I did something unlazy, I did myself a replica of the top I gave Hoshi~chan
on her birthday, but mine is in a luscious navy blue velvet. I'm especially
proud of the shirring part, but the picture from the back turned out weird,
so you can't really see the shirring :(

Now, I'll go do some house cleaning because I learned about what happened to Ro~ren
and I'm pissed and hearing about things like that just turn me upside
down inside and I need to clean around me because everything seems tainted
with evilness otherwise. When I read about, I yelled to get it off my chest,
luckily, I'm alone and the snow is a good insulation against noise...
I hate reading or hearing about things like that, because I go through it
again and it'S damn painful... I got over it, but you can't ever completely
get over it, it just haunts you forever... You can only learn to "deal with
it". As Cat Stevens put it :

"All the times that I cried
keeping all the things I knew inside
It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it
If they were right, I'd agree
but it's them you know not me
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away I know I have to go"
(from Father & son)

sewing project, pictures, outfit, melancholy & sadness, news, update

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