I left a comment on Warriors for Innocence's site sneering at them and then giving them helpful advice in such a way that they'll never take it, or if they do, I can make it blow up in their faces in amusing ways. I should have copied and pasted it before I posted it, as there is no guarantee it will survive moderation. Here is about what I posted from memory.
"You have just provoked the following:
http://www.flamewarriors.com/warriorshtm/swarm.htm Enjoy yourselves. I know I shall.
*Goes to make popcorn, pull up a chair, and watch WFI swat hornets for the next month.*
P.S. If you wish to be *really* helpful, create either a Google Groups account or an account at another News Service Provider (www.motzarella.org is giving out free accounts that you can read using Outlook) and subscribe to groups where real pedophiles and ephebophiles hang out, such as alt.fan.prettyboy, alt.support.girl-lovers, and alt.support.boy-lovers. There are lots of pervs to bash and shut down. Just don't be too upset when you find that your best allies are the shady characters who read alt.hackers.malicious. I'd like to see how willing you are to fight kiddy pr0n and abuse when you have to work with people who violate the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act on a daily basis. *evil chuckle*"
Let's see how they react to that mental hotfoot.