Paul Krugman was the one who alerted me to Ted Cruz, I decided to return the favor by leaving
this comment on his blog.
Speaking of paranoia striking shallow, do you remember Ted Cruz, who you wrote about in "
First, they came for the golf courses"? He managed to survive the Texas senate primary at the end of May. He's in a runoff election for Kay Bailey Hutchinson's U.S. Senate seat in Texas today. Back in May, he lost by 10 percent. As of the most recent poll, he was ahead of his opponent David Dewhurst by 10 percent. The guy who thinks Agenda 21 is a U.N. conspiracy to take away "golf courses, grazing pastures, and paved roads" is likely to be the GOP nominee and therefore the favorite to win in November. He is, as I'm fond of saying one of the GOP's maniacs who are promising people that they can keep their cars, McMansions, and commutes this year. Care to use him to make a point about how crazy the Republican Party has become--again?
That was last night.
This morning, Krugman published the following entry on his blog.
Tee PartyFirst, they came for the golfers.
So the Republican nominee for Senate in Texas is a man who believes that there is a global plot, led by George Soros, to
eliminate golf courses. Also, that states can nullify Acts of Congress.
Politics in the world’s greatest nation
Never let it be said that Dr. Krugman does not respond to reader requests.
Excerpted and modified from
Nablopomo for August: Sweet on Crazy Eddie's Motie News.
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