Christine O'Donnell's "Troublemaker" living down to its name

Aug 17, 2011 13:20

I know this doesn't fit the theme of sustainability in Detroit. It does fit the Nablopomo theme of Fiction and the listing of this blog under politics on the Nablopomo blogroll. Besides, I see the Tea Partiers as obstacles to achieving sustainability. so it's not as off-topic as one might first think.

First, the e-book version of her book says it's a work of fiction, hence the Nablopomo badge.

Huffington Post: Christine O'Donnell Memoir's E-Version Called 'Work Of Fiction' By E-Publisher

Failed U.S. Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is out with her new book "Troublemaker," which she describes in the introduction as "a political memoir slash campaign diary slash position paper slash rallying cry, with an emphasis on the slash." In an email to supporters, she promised the book would offer "the real, raw story of my life."
But the e-version of her book says she's making it all up.

The copyright page of her book in both the Kindle and iTunes versions state that O'Donnell's memoir is, in fact, a novel.
"This is a work of fiction," reads the disclaimer. "All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously."

"Emphasis on the slash," LOL.

Next, the trolls are having a field day mocking her through the tagging and recommendation functions of Amazon.

The Daily Beast: Christine O’Donnell Gets Punked

Just in time for her book’s release, the former Senate candidate’s Amazon page is the target of cyberpranksters-who won’t let shoppers forget the Tea Partier’s past comments about witches, masturbation, and abstinence.

Many of the recommended products are NSFW.

Originally posted to Crazy Eddie's Motie News. A shorter version crossposted to political_wank on JournalFen and teabagger_watch on Dreamwidth.

Originally crossposted to neonvincent on Dreamwidth. Comment here or there, whichever you prefer.

dreamwidth, journalfen, conservatives, nablopomo, meta, books, crazy eddie's motie news, humor, snark, fiction, political_wank, politics

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