It's the weekend, which means it's time for me to select this week's news from midwestern universities about food and sustainability. Once again, Michigan State University has pride of place as the first Michigan university mentioned with the only two food stories.
Michigan State University:
MSU class building a better popcorn kernel EAST LANSING, Mich. - A group of Michigan State University students is taking a course this semester that has the official title of “Science of the Foods we Love.” But most everybody knows it as the “popcorn course.”
That’s because in addition to teaching the students the finer points of scientific research, and how the worlds of science and industry come together, another result of the course might be a better kernel of popcorn.
With the help of a gift from ConAgra Foods, the maker of, among other things, Orville Redenbacher popcorn, the class is studying different aspects of popcorn (e.g., explosivity, hull thickness and kernel size distribution) as they relate to the overall quality of a popped bag of microwave popcorn.
Later this month the class will travel to ConAgra headquarters in Omaha, Neb., to present their findings to the company’s scientists.
As I wrote in
one of my early linkspam posts:
The flip side of Purdue's concern with food is that it's very much in the pocket of industrial agriculture, and this article shows that relationship in unapologetic detail. Honestly, I find Michigan State University, where there is a program in organic agriculture that was created by student demand, to have a more progressive perspective, and MSU is also a land-grant agricultural college.
They may be more progressive, but they are still strongly connected to industrial agriculture.
Michigan State University:
Oxygen sensor invention could benefit fisheries to breweries EAST LANSING, Mich. - Monitoring oxygen levels in water has applications for oil spills, fish farming, brewing beer and more - and a professor at Michigan State University is poised to help supply that need.
The concept of oxygen sensors isn’t new. The challenge, however, has been manufacturing one that can withstand fluctuations in temperature, salinity, carbon dioxide, phosphates and biological wastes. Ruby Ghosh, associate professor of physics, was able to overcome those obstacles as well as build one that provides real-time data and is relatively inexpensive.
Constantly testing dissolved oxygen is critical in industries such as:
- Aquaculture - where fish are raised in oxygen-rich, high-density environments.
- Beverage manufacturing - which constantly monitors dissolved oxygen levels during the fermentation and bottling processes.
- Biomedical research - which could use probes to further cancer research by detecting changes in oxygen dependence in relation to tumor growth.
- Petroleum manufacturing - to monitor ocean oxygen levels and detect/prevent oil leaks in rugged, saltwater environments.
To test her prototypes, Ghosh and her students worked with Michigan’s fish farmers to see how they would hold up in a year-round, outdoor environment.
“My lab focuses on solving real-life problems through our technology,” Ghosh said. “Raising trout for recreational fishing is economically important to Michigan, and our prototype proved that our sensor performs well in the field and could help that industry thrive.”
Since the most read posts this month so far has been
Detroit Food and Sustainability News for 4/4/11 and its popularity has been driven by Google searches for people searching for
the news story about Russ Allen of Seafood Systems in Okemos and his proposal to raise shrimp in Detroit (Let's see what that phrase does for this post's Search Engine Optimization--muahahahahaha!), I decided to put this story about aquaculture above the fold as a food story.
More news stories about sustainability, science, economy, politics, and law at
Crazy Eddie's Motie News.
Above originally posted
almost nine hours ago on Dreamwidth. In Soviet Russia, LiveJournal trolls you!