WSU professor Cynthia Bir and Xiao Jun Wang prepare for an episode of "Fight Science."
Credit: Wayne State University
Top 12 Wayne State University science stories by month for 2010 By Vince Lamb, Detroit Science News Examiner
With the end of the year coming Friday, it's time to take a look back at the important local science stories for 2010. For the next three days, the Detroit Science News Examiner will pick out the top twelve science, engineering, and medical research stories of the year by month for each of the region's major research universities, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, and University of Michigan.
Tonight, it's Wayne State's turn.
Next up, Michigan State University.
Twelve science stories at the link, including the World Stem Cell Summit and Cythia
Bir hosting Fight Science on National Geographic (see photo above).
Click to view
Title: Wayne State University School of Medicine - Inside the Excellence
Caption: This is an overview of recent accomplishments and activities in the Wayne State University School of Medicine, which is located in Midtown Detroit.
Credit: Wayne State University