League of Conservation Voters Dirty Dozen for 2010: Part 2--Four Filthy Senators Still open for recommendations from any Kossacks on my flist until 4 AM EDT.
League of Conservation Voters Dirty Dozen for 2010: Part 3--Three Toxic Tea Partiers Just posted and open for recommendations for the next 24 hours.
Both diaries feature the following video.
Click to view
A disturbing trend has emerged among many Republican Senate candidates: a refusal to accept the sound and settled science that man-made carbon pollution is causing the planet to warm. If these candidates win in November, the number of card-carrying members of this "Flat Earth Society" will rise exponentially in the world's greatest deliberative body. Take action: pledge, share, vote. www.flatearth.tv
And, yes, those are Twitter hashtags in the title. Since I automatically tweet my public entries, I decided to experiment with including hastags so the tweets would be searchable.