Bad Art--GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Sep 09, 2010 00:28

Time to celebrate some bad art.

Over at hot_daily on journalfen, the poll for the September picspam is now up.  The leading category right now--"Hot people in bad movies"--leads all the other contenders by nearly as many votes as the next category has total, 23 to 12.  Its lead has asked people what constitutes a bad move.  I decided to give an answer.

You can dodge the question by appealing to an authority on bad cinema. That's what I did in the comment above you by linking to The Smithee Awards, which list hundreds of awful films in their film gallery, one of which is Devil Girl from Mars, which has Adrienne Corri as the villain. She's definitely a hot person in a bad movie. Of course, one can cheat and get images of her in one of her roles in a more quality production, like Dr. Zhivago or A Clockwork Orange.

Also in the Smithees Gallery--movies that star Paris Hilton, Shaquille O'Neill, Walter Koening, Eric Estrada, and Anna Nicole Smith, and that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I could find more hot people if looked.

If you want other sources, you can go to TV Tropes and look at the lists of films that are So Bad It's Good or So Bad It's Horrible. At the top of the list on So Bad It's Good--GI Joe: The Rise of COBRA.
The paragraph about the movie reads:

GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra. It looked like they just stuck their arm in the Trope Bag, and then tried to make the cheesiest version possible of everything they pulled out. (Defrosting Ice Queen, Instant Awesome Just Add Ninja, Everythings Better With Spinning, Powered Armor, Slave Mooks, Grey Goo, Guns Are Worthless, Dark Chick...)
On that note, here's Sienna Miller as Baroness Anastasia DeCobray!

art, journalfen, smithees, nablopomo, sex, movies

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