Governor Granholm announces Kellogg Foundation grant to prepare new math and science teachers In her
weekly radio address last Friday, Governor Jennifer M. Granholm announced that Michigan has been chosen for a new teaching fellowship program that will benefit almost 20,000 Michigan public school students in high-need schools.
"This program is going to train 240 new math and science teachers to teach in middle and high schools that desperately need teachers in these subjects," Granholm said. "Over a period of five years, almost 20,000 Michigan public school students will receive high-quality education in science, technology, engineering and math from these new teachers."
Six Michigan public universities and five school districts received the grants. The universities are the
University of Michigan,
Michigan State University, Wayne State University,
Eastern Michigan University, Western Michigan University, and
Grand Valley State University. The five school districts are the Detroit Public Schools, Battle Creek Public Schools, Kalamazoo Public Schools, Benton Harbor Area Schools, and Grand Rapids Public Schools.
More at the link.
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What's behind the United State's struggle with fixing mathematics education? William Schmidt of Michigan State University, Deborah Loewenberg Ball of the University of Michigan, and Joan Ferrini-Mundy of the National Science Foundation discuss challenges and opportunities associated with mathematics teaching and curriculum, and the key role of research in finding solutions.