Stay on Target

Jan 30, 2008 08:29

at times like this, my mind always goes back to that one line in Star Wars when Rad Leader is in the trench making his bombing run on the Death Star. He is sitting there in his cockpit chating to himself "Stay on Target". In my mind he's doing this not only to settle him self but also to settle down the people around him, reminding them all that they have a mission to do.

It's times like this that I feel like that guy, chanting to myself "Stay on Target".

For those who don't know yet, I am making the move to Texas. Look backa couple enteries and you will see me talking about getting the job and such. I don't post a whole heck of a lot, but I try to make the posts meaningful.

Well I did get the job and I am in the process of moving out there at the moment. Tina (my Wife) and I are in the final stages of packing up the cars and closing things out here in San Jose, California. On our ya to have a great big adventure in Texas. Austin to be more specific, the state capitol even. Though the difference between Austin and Dallas reminds me of the difference between SF and Sac. Regardless it will be a good thing over all.

THe movers showed up yesterday. While I liked the overall service (we used Smart Movers ) they contract out the Gorillas (the guys who come and move all your stuff) they were the a typical redneck trucker types. Missing teeth, pants falling down because they didn't have a belt. Their were only two of them and it took hours from them to load all of our stuff in to the vaults. The Vaults them selves are a little smaller than PODS, but are shipped via UPS. We will have different Gorrilas on the other end to unload this stuff. I will say this though, The used every bit of space in those Vaults as they could.

I will be taking photos of the trip out to Austin, since we are going to be driving out there. I have a pretty slick war driving utility built into the tablet PC that I am going to be posting from. i will be taking my main machine with me as well. But I won't have the ability to just set it up and tear it back down again at every place we stop. Whereas we will have wireless at most places we go, and like I said I have a pretty slick app that lets me look at a lot of things =)

The cats are still a little freaked this morning, they keep looking at us and say ing Mom, Dad, all our stuff is gone... where is the stuff. Their stuff being the tables, chairs, bookcases and cat trees that we own or seem to rent from the cats.

I still have to return the cable modem and Reviceiver to the cable company this morning, but I am going to wait on that till Tina has had a chance to check her email and such.

Our plan is to wake up Thursday and head down the 5 to the 10 and just take the 10 out to Austin. Its pretty straight forward. Though if I were driving by myself I'd leave tonight, but I will work on getting a fulll nights sleep and be well rested for a nice long drive with cats in my car and cats in Tinas car so that we don's have all the cats in one car, it should be easier to manage this way. I will have my cell phone on me and charged at all times.

Today is simply a day of relaxation and closing out somethings. I may be walking over to Paneras later to post from their free wireless. =)

Take care everyone I will be checking back here and my mail from time to time through out the trip.
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