Jul 25, 2004 02:23
sicko fHumanrace: hey
IdesOfStormrider: hi.
sicko fHumanrace: whats up
IdesOfStormrider: nothing
sicko fHumanrace: yea im pretty bored i just got home..what did you do tonight?
IdesOfStormrider: Nothing.
sicko fHumanrace: haha i havent talked to you in forever
sicko fHumanrace: oooh sounds fun
IdesOfStormrider: Yeah.
sicko fHumanrace: come on what did you do
IdesOfStormrider: Sat at home, not all of us can have interesting "punk" lifestyles.
sicko fHumanrace: ooh ok so now you hate me too
IdesOfStormrider: I just think punks are fucking stupid.
sicko fHumanrace: :-P i dont
IdesOfStormrider: Really?
sicko fHumanrace: haha
sicko fHumanrace: really
IdesOfStormrider: Because punks always talk about conformity
sicko fHumanrace: oh yea?
sicko fHumanrace: i dont think so
IdesOfStormrider: yet you all fucking conform and wear UNIFORMS to be punk
IdesOfStormrider: The irony in that is hilarous.
sicko fHumanrace: i dont wear a uniform!
sicko fHumanrace: lol
IdesOfStormrider: What do you call your ridiculous hairstyle/
sicko fHumanrace: well its not a uniform
sicko fHumanrace: its a way of expressing myself, the way a lot of heavymetal guys or whatever have long hair
IdesOfStormrider: Might as well be.
sicko fHumanrace: nah, its just how you want your hair
IdesOfStormrider: We do it because we like the way it looks and it actually servers a purpose.
sicko fHumanrace: i like how my hair look s too
IdesOfStormrider: jackets with studs all over them and painted on band names
IdesOfStormrider: Ridiculous and uniformed.
sicko fHumanrace: :-D
IdesOfStormrider: "We will never conform"
sicko fHumanrace: its not ridiculous brettttt
sicko fHumanrace: its just how we wanna look
IdesOfStormrider: Really? Idiots. Because you did it to look punk.
sicko fHumanrace: if its "looking punk" then i guess you can say that
sicko fHumanrace: i can fucking look anyway that i like, i like this one it helps express myself, and a lot of people dont like it, who cares
IdesOfStormrider: Express yourself.. hahah.. right
sicko fHumanrace: it shouldnt piss you and daniel off
sicko fHumanrace: yea, i am expressing myself
IdesOfStormrider: So you shaved parts of your hair to express you being what exactly?
sicko fHumanrace: stupid, you are expressing yourself when you wear a white shirt
IdesOfStormrider: Repulsive?
sicko fHumanrace: to show i can do what i like
IdesOfStormrider: No. I am wearing something that is clena
IdesOfStormrider: clean*
sicko fHumanrace: .. i like my hair
sicko fHumanrace: why do you care if someone washes their clothes?
sicko fHumanrace: youre too materialistic
IdesOfStormrider: Alright, next time I see a bridge I will be sure to jump off of it, because I can do what I like.
sicko fHumanrace: well if you like to do that bret...
IdesOfStormrider: I wash my clothes so they don't smell the way you look.
sicko fHumanrace: what the fuck was that sopossed to mean??? hahah
sicko fHumanrace: haha ok brett
sicko fHumanrace: youre being fucking RACISTS
sicko fHumanrace: it seems like
sicko fHumanrace: you hate me cause the way i look
IdesOfStormrider: Whatever, Hitler.
sicko fHumanrace: ha
sicko fHumanrace: how am i hitler??? lol youre the one who hates me cause my hair and shit
sicko fHumanrace: get past my looks im a fucking cool person
IdesOfStormrider: No you aren't. You are a bitch who can't ever admit she is wrong.
IdesOfStormrider: I've never liked you Bonnie.
IdesOfStormrider: Your self proclaimed "punk-hood" only makes me hate you more.
sicko fHumanrace: thanks for being honest
sicko fHumanrace: why do you hate punks?
sicko fHumanrace: and if you already never liked me, i dont fuckin care if you hate me now
IdesOfStormrider: Because they are self-contradicting assholes
sicko fHumanrace: no, punx are really cool you just never had balls to talk to any of them cause either youve never talked to oneand youre being fucking STEROTYPICAL, or you were scared shitless theyd kick your fucking ass when you treated them how you are to me
IdesOfStormrider: You spelled "punks" incorrectly.
sicko fHumanrace: i can spell it with an x...
sicko fHumanrace: i just did
IdesOfStormrider: I've talked to Tyler.
IdesOfStormrider: So I guess I'm not so "scared" after all.
sicko fHumanrace: it still says punks...
sicko fHumanrace: ooh tyler, hes an asshole to everyone dont base your fucking look on punx off HIM
IdesOfStormrider: An asshole to everyone? He sure is nice to me.
sicko fHumanrace: everyones different, i dont talk to some metalhead and go wow brett and the rest of them has GOT to be exactly like this guy
sicko fHumanrace: haha youre right tyler is not an asshole
IdesOfStormrider: I'm not saying I fucking hate the person.
sicko fHumanrace: hes fucking cool but hes mean to a lot of people lol
IdesOfStormrider: I hate the "lifestyle."
sicko fHumanrace: if you hate my lifestyle, why are you being a prick to me?
IdesOfStormrider: And I don't hate the person, I just think they are stupid for believing in worthless bullshit that will get them no where in life.
IdesOfStormrider: Because I told you already, I don't like YOU.
IdesOfStormrider: It's funny how you go from liking Good Charlotte and all those shitty bands to liking "punk" stuff all of a sudden because you feel some sort of acceptance in it.
sicko fHumanrace: yea, it fucking says what i wanna say to all the assholes like you
sicko fHumanrace: they dont sing about fucking... whatevre gc sang about, chicks and shit... they sing about stuff that matters
sicko fHumanrace: that people other than punks just dont fucking get
sicko fHumanrace: ites sad really
sicko fHumanrace: it pisses me off
IdesOfStormrider: Oh yeah, like "fucking the gov." matters?
IdesOfStormrider: I'm not the one who liked GC, you were.
sicko fHumanrace: yea, they effect EVERY fucking thing you will ever do in your life
IdesOfStormrider: Really? Then if you don't like it, leave the country and stop bitching.
sicko fHumanrace: yea cause no one introduced me to street punk!
sicko fHumanrace: im not leaving my fucking home cause some asshole who think theyre better than me wanna rule my life!
IdesOfStormrider: Hahahah, I got news for you, they are better than you. And if you don't like our system of government, then go else where.
IdesOfStormrider: It's okay, you won't be leaving that house anyways because you won't be going anywhere in life.
sicko fHumanrace: i just told you im not leaving cause of them, ill do what i fucking want and well all live in anarchy. youdont need a form of government bretttt. and fuck you were all equal in the end
IdesOfStormrider: HAHAHAH
IdesOfStormrider: Alright.
sicko fHumanrace: :-D i am moving out to n.o when i grad highschool
IdesOfStormrider: Anarchy right?
sicko fHumanrace: and i am going somewhere with my life i have a band
IdesOfStormrider: Well someone has to organize the disarray of your "anarchy."
IdesOfStormrider: So there is no true anarchy.
IdesOfStormrider: And say if there is, how will you survive, hmm?
IdesOfStormrider: Where will you buy your needs?
sicko fHumanrace: no anarchy is just a word for it, if everyone does what they like, its chaos, means no rules, a nickname for that is anarchy
IdesOfStormrider: I suppose you will cut down trees and build your own house?
sicko fHumanrace: buy?!??!!?
sicko fHumanrace: dumbass anarchy, no rules, STEAL YOUR NEEDS
sicko fHumanrace: shit head
IdesOfStormrider: Farm off of your land that you don't know the trade.
sicko fHumanrace: no, ill live wherever i waaant
sicko fHumanrace: um...
IdesOfStormrider: Steal? But the government controls your stores Bonnie.
IdesOfStormrider: There will be no stores.
sicko fHumanrace: ahhh you dont get it
sicko fHumanrace: fuck it
IdesOfStormrider: The owners would merely shut it down and take their products for themselves.
IdesOfStormrider: No. Don't "fuck it." You just don't get it, that anarchy is worthless and cannot work nor even be created.
sicko fHumanrace: and someone would probably attack them haha or something i dont know brett wait for it to happen at least we know you wont surrive
IdesOfStormrider: I won't have to worry about it, because it can't happen.
sicko fHumanrace: it might
sicko fHumanrace: i think it will
IdesOfStormrider: It's dumbasses like you that we have to give our wellfare to.
sicko fHumanrace: i want it to and i know there are lotsssssss of fucking punx and people out there that want anarchy as much as i do
IdesOfStormrider: But if you don't like the government, you shouldn't accept it in the first place.
IdesOfStormrider: Yes and they make up less than 1% of the world.
sicko fHumanrace: fuck you
IdesOfStormrider: Have fun.
IdesOfStormrider: Fuck me?
sicko fHumanrace: i dont need to proove shit to you
sicko fHumanrace: nah
IdesOfStormrider: You are just angry because I'm right.
sicko fHumanrace: you were justbeing an ass
IdesOfStormrider: And you don't "need" to prove it, because you can't.
sicko fHumanrace: no you arent right bretttt
IdesOfStormrider: No, I'm being right.
IdesOfStormrider: Really? If I'm not right, then prove me wrong.
sicko fHumanrace: you wont ever get it cause you arent anything like a punk and you dont get us
sicko fHumanrace: maybe if i could talk to you, but i really dont want to seeing as which you hate me and all
IdesOfStormrider: YOU don't even get you Bonnie.
sicko fHumanrace: yes, i do
sicko fHumanrace: lol
IdesOfStormrider: No, you don't.
IdesOfStormrider: You have no idea what you stand for.
IdesOfStormrider: Your TREND is bullshit.
sicko fHumanrace: what the hell kind of argument ar you trying to pull???
sicko fHumanrace: all you want to do is fight with me
IdesOfStormrider: I'm not trying to "pull" an arguement.
sicko fHumanrace: yea, i do fucking know what i stand for
IdesOfStormrider: It isn't an arguement. For that you would need to valiad sides. In this matter there is only mine.
sicko fHumanrace: im a fucking anarchist, i want no rules, therefor i want to government
sicko fHumanrace: how do i now get myself?
IdesOfStormrider: How will you achieve this "anarchy" then?
IdesOfStormrider: Explain yourself so I may "see the light."
sicko fHumanrace: get enough people together
sicko fHumanrace: huh??
IdesOfStormrider: Alright, get enough people together.. then what?
sicko fHumanrace: i dont need to explain myself to you youre just gonna shit on my oppinion like youve been doing from the start
IdesOfStormrider: No, continue.
sicko fHumanrace: no
sicko fHumanrace: youre not worth my time
IdesOfStormrider: After you assemble this "party" of anarchists what will you do?
Previous message was not received by sicko fHumanrace because of error: User sicko fHumanrace is not available.
She couldn't explain her "lifestyle".. hmm.. I can explain mine. Her group of anarchists seem to be a political branch to me. "Elect Bonnie Parker for shitty brainwashed drone."