I haven't, though I've always been kind of interested in playing Star Wars.
Here's my thoughts on the matter, take them or leave them, I won't be offended, nor am I preaching.
First, and foremost, I don't approve of their move to 4th Edition. I think it's a poor attempt to exploit sucker money from the fans and no matter what they might think, I don't see a new edition boosting the market. There might be a temporary boost in sales as the dedicated players flock to it, but it will do next to nothing to draw in new players, and worse, I believe it will turn away those players who were just getting into the genre. As of now, I'm sitting on $550 dollars worth of useless 3.5 Edition material. That's nothing compared to those who buy supplements by the truckload. As it is, I don't even feel I WANT to keep what I have. What's the point? I bought them so I could understand the system. And now it's obsolete.
Maybe that works in the world of computers, with free upgrades and instant downloads, but on hard-cover copy? No. Sorry. I'm not biting.
But hey, that's my view of it. If people buy it and like it and recommend it, that's fine. If it keeps the RPG hobby going another 5 years, that's great. Does that justify forcing me to pay hundreds of dollars every "update," tossing out the last batch of books? No, I don't believe it does.
And what about the settings and supplements? You can get as much info from 3.5's Forgotten Realms Campaign book as you could from 3.0's, do you think people are going to shell out more money just to see Elminster's new stats? Everything will be shoveled off the table: fans lose interest, the settings suffer, supplements don't sell, and suddenly you're back to square one, when viola! 5th Edition! The answer to all your gripes!
So I won't be pulled onto the bandwagon right now. Maybe in few years, I'll come out of my hole to see what the fuss is all about, but right now everything I see in 4th Edition is for Wizards of the Coast, not the fans.
Here's my thoughts on the matter, take them or leave them, I won't be offended, nor am I preaching.
First, and foremost, I don't approve of their move to 4th Edition. I think it's a poor attempt to exploit sucker money from the fans and no matter what they might think, I don't see a new edition boosting the market. There might be a temporary boost in sales as the dedicated players flock to it, but it will do next to nothing to draw in new players, and worse, I believe it will turn away those players who were just getting into the genre. As of now, I'm sitting on $550 dollars worth of useless 3.5 Edition material. That's nothing compared to those who buy supplements by the truckload. As it is, I don't even feel I WANT to keep what I have. What's the point? I bought them so I could understand the system. And now it's obsolete.
Maybe that works in the world of computers, with free upgrades and instant downloads, but on hard-cover copy? No. Sorry. I'm not biting.
But hey, that's my view of it. If people buy it and like it and recommend it, that's fine. If it keeps the RPG hobby going another 5 years, that's great. Does that justify forcing me to pay hundreds of dollars every "update," tossing out the last batch of books? No, I don't believe it does.
And what about the settings and supplements? You can get as much info from 3.5's Forgotten Realms Campaign book as you could from 3.0's, do you think people are going to shell out more money just to see Elminster's new stats? Everything will be shoveled off the table: fans lose interest, the settings suffer, supplements don't sell, and suddenly you're back to square one, when viola! 5th Edition! The answer to all your gripes!
So I won't be pulled onto the bandwagon right now. Maybe in few years, I'll come out of my hole to see what the fuss is all about, but right now everything I see in 4th Edition is for Wizards of the Coast, not the fans.
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