Getting to where you're going

Mar 01, 2013 08:52

Life after college can be jarring. I've been out for almost 4 years now and feel like I'm no where closer to being an adult.
Jobs are never what they seem like before starting them and you have to decide what is really important to you. In my case the question has always been "Do I do this for money or for love?" And my answer has always been LOVE.

The last 4 or 5 months have taught me a lot about getting to where you want to be. The journey. Staying true to yourself and realizing that when people start to change the person that you are, it's time to leave.

Sometimes it hard to leave and sometimes you don't jump... You are pushed. But in the end you will survive. I am so glad I was pushed because I would have never taken that leap on my own!

I have climbed a mountain (repeatedly, daily) and found I can do it again and again. Even when I feel like I will die. I get to the top and take a deep breath. And everything is still ok. The world still turns and the sun still shines.

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