Some Onslaught News

Dec 20, 2004 04:30

The last few days have been pretty fun.
I started jamming with Paddy, and it went well. Today we cleaned out a room in his house to use as a jam space. So far we have a few amps, a keyboard, and a guitar there; but soon there will be a enough stuff for a mic, guitar, bass, keys, and even his computer. Oh yeah, Keith is doing Bass now, which we decided was neccessary for a song we ad libbed today under the nom de plum of King Richard.
We also went to the Onslaught practice, and everyone involved with the show was there.
It was fun being around at Eric's place tonight, since I haven't really been too social since school started, and especially during exam time when everyone really just dissapeared. I felt that everyone there had that same sense of relief too, so it was all pretty wicked. I showed the both bands the fliers, and I think they were happy to see how the show is shaping up.

Here's one that Paddy made too

When the Onslaught weren't jamming or writing, we were coming up with ideas for the show. Right now, we don't have a lot too it, and the planning for the show, although solid, is still in its first stages. I don't want to ruin this for everyone who isn't involved with getting the show together, but I'll say this: If we had to do this tommorow, we could definately do A show (even Paddy and I); but this is going to be way more than just a regular Halifax show, and with two weeks to prepare, this will be proven.

Please come though, you'll understand when you are experiencing all of this. And it's $2; a cup of coffee.
And its only 2 hours, on the Sunday night before school starts. What else are you gonna do? Go on MSN? Watch the Lizzie McGuire movie? No. You're going to get destroyed at the Onslaught show.

Paddy: "Nuck if you buck."
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