First they filtered out child porn, and I didn't speak out because only kiddy-fiddlers want to see that.
Then they filtered out hard core and gay porn, and I didn't speak out because I'm not into that.
Then they filtered out euthanasia sites and that's a bit disturbing because its a contentious social issue, but I didn't speak out because it is still illegal.
Then they filtered out the Sex Party, Socialist Alliance and GetUp websites ... hey, this isn't how this was supposed to work, they promised us they wouldn't do this, maybe its time to speak out.
Then they filtered out my blog post about this and I learned its too late to speak out.
(Also the police are now knocking on my door because they've also been collecting the browsing habits of every Australian and that was ok because only those breaking the law have anything to hide, but I've been trying to access banned websites and they didn't like my blog post ...)
With due deference to Pastor Martin Niemöller for adapting his original (