Jan 29, 2008 12:02
well i was put back on meds just befor christmas. fluoxetine. i was on them befor but there not working now. kinda self harmed for the frist time in over 10 monthes the othere day. fell shit about it. but i didnt cut tho which i guess is a good thing i just scrached aat my arm till it started 2 bleed. kinda looks like carpet burns on my arm. they have put me on citalopram and they want me 2 see some1 about my mental heathle so i gess they want me 2 see a therphist again or sumit. other than that im doin ok. me and richie r good. i think we had a ower frist fight the other nite but it wasnt really a fight i siad i didnt like him doing stuff and he said he wud stop. then everthing else that was getting 2 me came out as well. but we r ok now we kissed and made up.